Chapter 18 - The Three Horsemen VS The Powerful Demon Gonzo

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War tackled Gonzo in the air and started to beat the living shit out of him while the battle still roared on below. Strife saw War punch Gonzo repeatedly with all his might once War slammed Gonzo on the ground demolishing the ground beneath them Strife and Fury went over the help there brother out. Gonzo got up with War hanging on him and smirked "That was fun you've actually made me almost feel something. But now it's my turn" Gonzo said to War as he grabbed War by the throat and slammed him into the ground over and over again. Fury jumped on top of Gonzo as he was smashing War into the ground and started Whipping his back as hard as she could than she leapt off his back and Strife came up in front of Gonzo and started to bicycle kick him repeatedly all over his body than back flipped away from him. By this point War was back in action and tackled Gonzo again. Gonzo was starting to get pissed 'I have come to far to lose now' Gonzo thought in his head as War was punching him. War saw Gonzo glow bright purple before Gonzo screamed and blasted War to the other side of the battle field but before War had time to realize or recover from what happened Gonzo was on top of him punching so hard that the ground shook and cracked beneath them. War thought that this is actually how he might die by the same hands that killed Death but than "Hay get you hands off my fucking brother!!" Came the weak voice of Strife. War looked up to see Strife covered in blood and looked like he was badly injured "Strife l-leave me br-brother" War tried to choke out but Gonzo just punched War Really hard in the gut before he threw War down on the ground. War saw in horror as Gonzo walked over to the injured Strife and picked him up by his neck "NOOOO!!!" War screamed as he tried to get up but was in to much pain. Strife didn't plain on going out this way 'But hay you get what you get' he thought before the last thing he heard was the sound of his own neck braking and than nothingness. War saw Gonzo throw Strife's lifeless body down on the ground as War crawled to his falling brother "Str-Strife?" War said as he cradled his dead brother in his arms. War looked up to see Fury fall to her knees as a bunch of zombies surrounded her and Angeles and Zombies fighting to death like they have been for hours. War than saw Gonzo walking towards Fury as War got this sudden burst of Anger, Hate and Revenge as he screamed "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" As Fire and Flames grew around his body. Once the Charred Council where destroyed The Four Horsemen couldn't use there Havoc Forms but in a Sudden burst of Rage War was able to do it. So with War's knew found strength War ran full speed at Gonzo throwing the demon in the air and beating the living shit out of him but this time with a heavy blast of Fire to add on. Gonzo looked surprised and even a little scared as War screamed and finally once and for all Ripped Gonzo right in half as purple bloody flew all over the place. As Gonzo died so did the rest of the zombies. War became normal again panting heavily as Fury walked up to him and hugged him tightly "It's finally over" Fury whispered in her brothers ear exhausted and crying as War looked around at the cheering Angeles but than looked down 'But at what cost?' War thought as he heard some of the Angels cry over the fallen.

(Well damn that was intense but that fucking prick Gonzo is finally dead and the world is saved hope you all liked it and stay tuned for the Final Chapter coming soon 🖤💔)

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