Chapter 9 - Damn Where Split Up Part 2

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Death was staring off into space thinking. The only sounds emerging from the night was Uriel and Melissa's soft snoring "Do you think War and Fury are alright?" Strife asked looking at Death serously "I hope so brother" Death said "Well we should get some sleep than. I know your the oldest outta all of us and your worried about them. But I am to and we have a big day ahead of us" Strife said to Death being serous for once "Your right" Death said with a sigh "Of course I am" Strife announced back Death only looked at him and grunted. Strife woke up to being shaking awake by Death "Get up brother it's time to look for War and Fury" Death said looking at Strife "Alright I'm up" Strife said getting up "I'll ride with Uriel you ride with Melissa" Death told Strife summoning his horse "Alright come on Melissa" Strife called out to Melissa who came up to him and hopped on the horse Strife summoned. They where riding out of the woods and into a big open area that almost looked like a battle field. Death was starting to get a bad feeling until he heard a deep and dark voice that sounded familiar "Well hello Horsemen.... And Uriel with her little bitch!" Said the demon known as Samael with a harsh tone "Glad you could make it" Death looked at Samael pissed "What are you doing here Samael? Is Hell not big enough" Samael looked at Death with a frown "You see Horsemen ever since the Charred Council was destroyed I've been looking for someone who I could look up to. And I found him a powerful demon known as Gonzo" At hearing the name both Uriel and Melissa shivered but Death and Strife just looked at Samael with hate and spite "Oh so you have heard of him? Lovely you see he has asked me to do one simple thing and do you want to know what it is. To KILL YOU!!!" Samael screamed with fire in his eyes summoning a whole ARMY of the zombie things that attacked them in the cave. Not long after War and Fury showed up.

(Hello my friends just wanted to say thank you for reading my story. And that yes the Horsemen, Uriel and Melissa are still at The White City just really far deep in there. 💙)

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