Chapter 12 - The Death Of A Horsemen And Brother

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Death teleported War, Strife and Fury to the open land they fought Samael in earlier. They all fell to there knees crying "I-I ca-can't believe he's gone" Strife stuttered out crying uncontrollably. War heard someone running there way and looked up to see a confused and worried Uriel and Melissa. Uriel saw the horsemen come out of a portal not far away and all fall to there knees Uriel ran up to them to see what was wrong but as she got closer she gasped. Fury, War and Strife where completely covered in Blood and Scars and where Bruised from head to toe and there where on there knees..... Crying Uriel was going to ask War what was wrong when she realized Death was nowhere in sight "Oh No" Uriel said softly putting a hand over her mouth. Melissa just broke down crying with the rest of the horsemen. Uriel ran to the sobbing War and hugged him he hugged her back. And all five of them just sat there crying with the rest of the Angel's Army all gathered around the broken horsemen with hands over there Hearts.

"Dear Lord, ... We lift him to you today, in honour of the good we saw in him for fighting battles we as Angel's could never win. Please give us the strength to leave him in your care, in the knowledge of eternal life through The Well Of Souls" Spoke the Angel's Pastor while The Horsemen, Uriel, Melissa and the whole Angel army watched as the leader and oldest brother of the horsemen get buried deep under ground.

After The Funeral Uriel walked up to the Horsemen and said "I can send you guys back to your home on Earth if you would like" The Horsemen just nodded "But it will not been the last time you Fou-Three come here. Gonzo is still out there threatening everything and I promise you three we will Take. Him. Down" Uriel said almost slipping up her sentence. War looked at Uriel and said "We will come back when we are ready and together Uriel we will take him down" Uriel gave War a sad smile and opened up a portal to there home that the horsemen went into without hesitation.

(Well that was heartbreaking and sad 💔😭. And yes I know that this Chapter was built a little differently from the others but I didn't really know how to make the funeral sean how friends but I hope you liked it.🖤)

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