Chapter 6 - Healing And Talking To Uriel

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Melissa and The Four Horsemen where all sitting in what appears to be a cold, dark damp cave with nothing but a fire burning awaiting Uriel's recovery. While the other horsemen where talking amongst each other and Melissa War just sat there as quite as the cave itself "Hay War you hungry brother? You haven't eaten anything" Strife asked chewing a peace of meat he cooked on the fire. War didn't say anything he just shook his head "You are worried about Uriel aren't you?" War heard his sister say. Once again he didn't reply "Wow War actually being worried for someone.... Now that's scary" Strife said sarcastically but once again Fury just smacked him across the head "Owww are you ever going to stop doing that?" Strife asked rubbing his head "The day you start being responsible.... Maybe" Fury said with a smerk "Fury Strife Enough! Uriel is waking up" They heard Death strictly say from the other side of the cave. At hearing what Death said War immediately stood up and ran to Uriel's side "Huh Wher-Where am I?" Uriel asked rubbing her head until she looked up to see War "War!? Oh thank heavens you guys came" Uriel said immediately wrapping her arms around War in a tight hug while crying. War was surprised and didn't really know what to do physical contact (for obvious reasons) wasn't his strong point but since it's Uriel he hugged her back. While Uriel was crying on War Death kneeled down "Uriel I need you to tell me who or what did this ok. Do you think you can do that?" Death asked very seriously but calmly. Uriel while still having her face in the crook of War's neck and crying nodded and looked up to meet Death's eyes. "It was a very powerful demon more powerful than Samael, Lucifer and God combined. After he destroyed The White City and tried to kill me he said that his purpose for existing is to destroy Heaven, Hell, Earth and everything in between. To completely wipe out and restart all of existence and im-im afraid!" Uriel said crying harder now. The Horsemen where completely shocked to hear this and even a little frightened hell even Death was shaken up "Wow..... That's some heavy stuff man" Strife said flabbergasted. Fury's hand was over her mouth and her eyes where wide. Strife would have laughed if the situation wasn't so serious and life threatening. War looked at Uriel and asked the question that was on all there minds "Uriel what was the demons name?" Uriel took a shaky sigh and said "Gonzo his name is Gonzo"

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