Chapter 17 - The End Battle

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The Three Horsemen, Uriel and Melissa all made it to The White City while it was in the middle of The End Battle there where Angeles and Zombies fighting to the death as far as the eye could see. "This is it siblings!! Time to end this once and for all!!!" War screamed as he jumped off his horse and impaled a zombie right in the chest his siblings not far behind. Fury was Whipping zombies with all her might killing most of them on impact while Strife was hopping around shooting zombies left and right. War and Uriel where back to back slicing zombies limbs all over the place but soon the Horsemen started to realize that these zombies weren't exactly the same ones they fought before these ones where smarter and had weapons and armor. Fury went to slice one but her whip caught around the zombies axe and Fury swore she saw the zombie smerk as it pulled her to him and hit her with his axe so hard that she went flying across the battle field. Strife saw this happen and he went to go help Fury but than a very giant hulk like zombie came out of nowhere and picked Strife up like he was a toy and started punching him into the ground. Strife was starting to black out from all the blows he took to the head from the hulk zombie until the pain stopped. Strife looked up a little dazed to see that War tackled the hulk zombie and chopped off it's arm with Chaoseater before slamming it into the ground and chopping of it's head. But back to Fury she was currently getting up from being thrown across the battle field her ears where ringing and her head hurt but that wasn't going to stop the great Horsemen (or Horsewoman 😉) as she went right back into battle whipping one zombies after another. The Angeles on there part where doing pretty good with Melissa leading them into battle. Melissa back flipped over a zombies and sliced it in half but than she saw a couple of the zombies grow..... Wings? And started to attack some of the angels in the sky but Melissa wasn't the only one to notice they all did. "Holy shit they can fly now!?!" Strife asked in bewilderment "Yup they can now apparently fly" One of the Angels said back before they heard Melissa yell "Angels let's take them out from the sky! On me!!" "Well that helps" Fury said running up next to Strife "Yeah no kidding but this battle has been going on forever!! When will it stop!" Strife replied back. Fury was going to comment but before she could say anything the sounds of battle stopped as everybody looked to see Gonzo hovering above everyone with a wicked grin "Strife the battle will finally stop when you are all DEAD!!!!" Gonzo screamed before the battle continued again with everybody fighting to death. War looked up at Gonzo with hateful spite "Gonzooooo!!!!!" War screamed so loud that Earth probably heard it "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" War screamed before he jumped up high in the air and attacked Gonzo.

(Ohh the story is coming close to the end my friends with a juicy final battle. Hope to see you all for the end and I appreciate all the support so thank you and I love you all 🖤)

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