Chapter 11 - The Four Horsemen VS The Powerful Demon Gonzo

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Death remembers hearing Uriel and Melissa scream after them when him and his siblings where sucked into the portal. Death opened his eyes and saw that the four of them where all laying on top of each other in a what appeared to be an arena type room "Oww Can we not do that again" Strife said. They all stood up weapons in hand ready for anything "I don't like this" War grunted out before they all heard something clapping "Well done Horsemen you managed to defeat Samael. But you will not survive long" Said a voice coming into the light. The voice belonged to a lengthy Demon that was completely Pitch Black with bright purple glowing veins and big bright silver eyes with gigantic dark red Wings. "Yeah well who are you supposed to be?" Strife said "Well Strife I believe you've already heard of me. I am GONZO and you and your siblings don't belong in my world there for I have to end your pathetic existence" Gonzo said flying into the air and attacking. The Four jumped out of the way of Gonzo's attack but Gonzo just snapped his fingers causing all of The Horsemen to explode all the way to the other side of the room "Holy shit he can just snap his fingers and fling us to the other side of the room!?!" Strife asked flabbergasted "It appears so brother" Fury replied back as she tried to whip Gonzo but instead he grabbed her whip wrapped it around his hand and yanked Fury to him than while flying in the air he spun her around very very fast before slamming her into the ground completely demolishing the floor beneath her "Fury!!!" Death, War and Strife screamed in unison "You Bastard!!!" Strife roared trying to shoot Gonzo but all of Strife's bullets went into a force Shield that sucked them all up than started spitting them back out harder and faster. War flung a fireball but Gonzo just flung it right back at him exploding War away and slamming him into the arena walls denting them in. Death and Strife went at Gonzo together Death jumped over Strife slicing Gonzo with his Scythes than Strife flipped over Death and dropkicked Gonzo in the head than Death jumped around again also dropkicking Gonzo in the head. Gonzo just grunted at the blows he took Gonzo than lifted his hand two snap Death and Strife away when he felt Fury's whip wrap around his hand preventing him from doing so when he turned around War impaled him with Chaoseater sending purple blood everywhere. But unlike most living things Gonzo just ripped Chaoseater out of his chest and bitch smacked War all the way across the room than pulled Fury by her whip back at him again and dropkicked her into the ground. Strife and Death went after Gonzo again but this time Gonzo did a split kick in the air hitting both Strife and Death. The battle has been going on for hours now and the horsemen where becoming weak they where all beatin and bruised with blood and scars all over them while they barley did anything to Gonzo and Death was getting worried for his siblings thinking that they might actually die. Death closed his eyes and made his hands go into tight fist around his Scythes so tight that his knuckles turned white. Not on his watch will he let his family die. Over his dead body. The Horsemen where practically leaning on each other by this point "I-Is it me o-or are we getting are asses kicked" Strife said trying to catch his breath no one answerd him. Gonzo saw the beatin up horsemen and laughed "I can't believe you are The Great Four Horsemen! I thought you would at least be a challenge" Gonzo mocked while slowly walking up to them "Now it's time to die" Gonzo announced getting closer and closer. Death looked at his beatin up family and thought of only one thing to do so with as much power his beatin up body could give him he put a force shield around his three siblings who all looked at him confused and worried "Death what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Fury asked Death looked at them and said "I'm sorry" Before running right into Gonzo "Death Noooo!!!" Death heard Fury and Strife screaming his name while War was punching the force shield with all of his might trying to brake it. Death walked (or more like limped) over to Gonzo and said "If you want to kill my family...... Your going to have to go through me first" Gonzo only looked at him with a wicked smile and said "Ok" Before attacking him. Death put up a good fight but in the end was overmatched against Gonzo. Death was laying on the floor bleeding out hearing his siblings cry his name "Death get the fuck up.... Please get up!!" Fury said crying on her knees seeing her oldest brother beatin to a bloody pulp right before her eyes. Death was about to get up when he felt something go right through his chest. Death looked down only to find one of his own Scythes buried in his chest. Death started to cough out blood before Gonzo grabbed the handle of the Scythe that was buried in his chest and started dragging him further and further away from his siblings. War had tears running down his face with blood all over his hand from punching the force shield so hard over and over again with Fury and Strife doing the same thing. 'Well at least there safe' Death said in his head looking at his crying siblings faces Death was on his knees with his Scythe in his chest and Gonzo holding the other one. Gonzo looked down at the Bloody, Beatin and Broken Horsemen and laughed in Death's face "I will be the first one to KILL a Horsemen! Any last words before you die" Death being a little delirious from all the blood loss started talking to himself "I guess it's ironic really. Not even Death can escape Death" Death chuckled to himself but than saw his siblings he couldn't hear what they where saying with the ringing in his ears but he already knew and with the very last of his strength he summoned a portal underneath of his three siblings summoning them away he saw the protest in there eyes but knew it was the only way to save them. Gonzo saw what Death did but didn't care he will at least kill one horsemen today and at the thought of that smiled and as he brought Death's Scythe up and sliced Death's head off with it than........ Left. And there layed Death's lifeless body and decapitated head with blood coming out of the mouth and a collapsing arena. And there was the DEATH of not only the oldest Horsemen but also the oldest Brother.

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