Chapter 15 - Nightmares And Family Time

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Fury was in her room asleep when she suddenly jumped out of bed with a scream. Fury just had a horrible nightmare that woke her up frightened she had sweat all over her and before she knew it her door was being kicked down which made her scream again and in came War and Strife weapons in hand and confused but worried looks on there faces. "Fury!? What happened?" "Are you ok sister?!?" Came the two voices at the same time. Fury just looked up embarrassed and said "Strife, War I'm fine ok." War and Strife looked at each other and lowered there weapons Strife than walked up to Fury and asked "Than why did you scream like that in the middle of the night? You gave me and War a heart attack Fury." Fury just shrugged her shoulders and said "It was nothing" But War and Strife didn't believe that at all "Come on sister we are smarter than that. Please tell us what happened" War said softly as he sat next to Fury on her bed and wrapped his arm around her. Fury couldn't control it anymore as she started to cry into War's shoulder "I ha-had a nigh-nightmare about Death" Fury stuttered out War just patted Fury's back as Strife sat down on the opposite side of her and like War wrapped is arm around her "Shhh it's ok Fury Death is in a better place now where no one can hurt him" Strife said soothingly Fury just nodded before she eventually fell asleep on top of War from stressing herself out to much. War looked at Fury's sleeping form before looking at Strife "I guess I will stay with Fury for tonight brother but you should go get some rest" Strife just nodded and said "Alright goodnight War. Please take care of her" Before he turned off the light and left the room. War just layed down with Fury on her bed running his hand through her hair before he finally fell into the land of sleep himself.

(Well this isn't the longest chapter of this story but it's short, sweet and gets to the point and it has a lot of Horsemen Family Fluff which you don't see a lot so thank you for being patient and I love you all 🖤)

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