Chapter 16 - Getting Geared Up And Battle Cries

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It's been about an hour since Strife and War awoke in the middle of the knight to Fury screaming from a nightmare and Strife went to go check on her and War. Strife opened Fury's door and smiled because Fury was curled up against War hugging him like a very very big teddy bear and both of them where silently snoring. Strife quietly shut the door and went to go to sleep but than heard something or someone knocking on the front door which is highly unusual so Strife being alarmed grabbed one of his pistols and quietly walked to the door with his finger on the trigger. By the time Strife made it to the door the knocking was getting faster and louder and Strife slammed the door opened and was about to shoot before he realized that it was Melissa and Uriel "Jesus fucking Christ what the hell are you two doing here!?" Strife yelled softly holding his heart "sorry to come on short notice but we seriously need to talk it's very important" Uriel said very seriously. Strife just nodded his head and let them in side. Uriel and Melissa sat on the old couch while Strife sat down in a chair with his arms crossed "So what do you need to talk about?" Strife asked but Uriel looked around and asked "Where is War and Fury? They need to be here two" Strife looked at her "There sleeping... It's been a hard couple of days" Strife said as he looked down sad. Uriel gave Strife a sympathetic look as she said "We need to wake them up..... Gonzo is planning on attacking The White City" Strife looked at Uriel shocked but than got up to go get his siblings. A few minutes later Strife came back with tired but alarmed looking Horsemen War looked at Uriel "So you are shure that Gonzo will attack The White City?" War said with a thirst of revenge Uriel just nodded her head. War than looked at his siblings Strife looked ready to kick ass but Fury looked worried "Do you think we are ready brother?" Fury asked War just put his hand on Fury's shoulder "Fury this is are chance to Avenge Death" War said with determination Fury just nodded before looking up "Well than Horsemen let's get geared up and finish this once and for all!!" They all screamed a battle cry before getting ready for the final battle at The White City.

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