Chapter 2 - The Beginning

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It was a nice sunny day when Strife was coming back home to the run down Farm House that him his brothers and sister live in in the middle of the woods. Now it wasn't much but him and his siblings didn't mind at all. Ever since the end of the Charred Council the Horsemen haven't seen much action other than them secretly looking after The Second Wave Of Humanity it was currently the year 2020 and in this second wave humanity evolved just the same. "Hay Fury. Man there wasn't any action today" Strife said sadly as he was walking through the door "Only you brother" Fury replied back shaking her head. She was currently at the stove apparently cooking something which Strife noticed and said sarcastically "Hay try and not burn down the house will ya" Fury just gave him a death glare and threw a spoon at his head and said "God can't you go and bother someone else for a change like are brothers" Strife looked at her with a pout "Awww come on Fury whenever I try to joke with War he takes it to serously and just grunts at me and Death takes things too far or threatens me" Fury looked up and replied "You know pouting is not gonna help you" Strife than flopped on the crusty leather couch they had and said "Yeah Whatever. Goodnight Sis" fury just once again shook her head. A few hours went by when Death and War finally came back home "And where have you two been!!?" Fury scolded her youngest and oldest brothers. See ever since they where betrayed by the Charred Council and where split up for so long Fury grew very Overprotective and a little Obsessive for her three and only brothers left. See the way she thinks it is that they only have each other weather they be on earth in hell or in heaven. Death looked at his overprotective second oldest sibling and said "We where just out practicing Fury. You never know when we will be thrown into battle again" Fury just looked down and sighed than looked back up at the oldest Horsemen/Brother and said "I know I just worry. You guys where out for so long" That's when Death replied back with "Speaking of that where is Strife" "He is asleep on the couch" Came War's voice the youngest Horsemen speaking for the first time that day and pointing to the snoring brother that was half way on the couch. Than next thing they knew there was a BIG CRASH Outside that made the WHOLE HOUSE SHAKE!!!! "What The Hell Was That!!!?" Death screamed running outside.

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