Chapter 19 - The End

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1 Month Later

War was standing outside of the old farm house that him and his Three siblings used to live in looking down at something but now it was just him and Fury. War had a tear fall down his face before he heard light foot steps behind him "Good morning sister" War said as he felt Fury hug him from the back. "Good morning brother" Fury said looking over War's shoulder to see the graves of her two gone brothers "War what are you doing out here?" Fury asked knowing the answer. War kept looking at the graves and sighed "Sometimes I wonder if we could have saved them" This time it was Fury's turn to sigh "War listen to me. Death and Strife sacrificed themselves to give us the Angels and Humanity a fighting chance" Fury said seriously looking at War. War turned around and looked at Fury in the eyes and said "I know sister" Fury saw sadness in War's eyes as he turned around to look back at the graves "Go inside sister... I will be in soon" War said but Fury didn't move instead she stood there still holding War in her arms. Not only to comfort War but to also comfort herself because even though she lost Death and Strife she still at least has her Youngest Brother and despite the fact that he can take care of himself she will still protect War her only brother/family left until they both die.

And this is how are Story Ends with War and Fury standing over Death and Strife's Graves with the sun setting in the background. But know this my friends even though only two Horsemen remain The Number Of The Riders Shall Ever Be 4.
                               The End

(Hello my friends here it finally is The Last Chapter Of Darksiders - Deception thank you all so much for the support and being patient. I hope you all liked the story and thanks again!! 🖤 💜)

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