Chapter 3 - The Beginning Part 2

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Death, War and Fury all ran outside while Strife screamed and fell off the couch with a thud. "What the hell" Strife said rubbing his head. Death was the first one outside only to find a giant meteor hole deep in the ground with..... An Angel in it? "I don't like this brother" War said standing next to Death looking down at the knocked out Angel. She was young with beautiful long white hair big giant white wings and a slim figure. Death didn't reply to War instead he jumped down and was looking over the Angel "Fury go in the house and get some medical supplies ready. And War help me get her inside" Death ordered. Fury just nodded running back in the house while War jumped down to carry the Angel. When Fury entered the house she saw Strife still sitting on the floor confused "Hay be useful and help me get some medical supplies" Fury barked out at him. Strife looked at her confused and a little worried "Why who's hur-" But before he could finish his sentence War came in the house with a small, young female Angel in his arms Death following behind him. "Put her on the couch" Fury told War. After War laid her on the couch and Fury got to checking over her Strife said "Well..... What should we do now" "Now we wait" Death said looking at his brother.

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