Chapter 14 - Training And Talking

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Strife walked outside to find War 'Damn it's a cold ass night' Strife said in his head but than heard grunting and the sound of a sword hitting something. Strife walked around the house and into the farm only to find War still in his bloody and ripped up clothes and sweat (and don't forget it's a pretty cold night) all over his body plus the blood and bruises to. "You know Fury is pretty worried about you man" Strife said but didn't get a reaction out of War "Look man I'm worried for you to. You know we are all devastated about what happened.... But we need to stick together as a family" Strife said sadly but again War didn't say anything and continued to beat the shit out of a wooden and hay dummy. Strife was starting to get irritated but just looked down in defeat "Look brother I know you can hear me and if you don't want to talk to me than fine but please man don't do this to Fury..... We already lost one brother we don't need to lose you to" Strife finally said before glancing at War one more time before he left. War heard everything his brother said but couldn't say anything. War knew that his sister was worried about him but all he wanted to do was beat the shit out of stuff until he couldn't feel his blood covered arms anymore. War was never good at emotions hell the only things in this universe that he loved where his family, horse and Uriel so all he wants to do right now is fight until he dies but he can't do that not while his brother and sister need him. War stopped punching the already demolished and bloody (his blood) dummy and looked up 'Maybe a walk will clear my head' War said in his head. As War was walking he couldn't get the image of his older brothers death out of his head you see The Horsemen have all died before but it was different than they where working for The Charred Council and they had the power to Resurrect one of them if they happened to fall in battle. Also there was The Seventh Seal which when broken would not only Heal and Power up The Horsemen to full but also Resurrect them if need be. But that was almost over 20000-30000 years ago and The Seventh Seal was broken long ago along with The Fall Of The Charred Council so if one of The Horsemen where to die they where permanently dead forever and thrown into The Well Of Souls. Before War knew it he was back at the house stopping his thoughts. When War entered the house he assumed his siblings where sleeping but as soon as he shut the door the light popped on. When War turned around he saw Fury glaring at him "And where where you!?! Do you know what time it is? Do you know how sick and worried I was!?!" Fury screamed at him. War just looked away but Fury continued to scold him "And look at you your covered in blood!" Now Fury had tears in her eyes "I mi-miss him to so fucking much but you can't just work your body to death War!" Fury finally stopped and gasped when War turned around and she saw tears running down his cheeks "I-Im sorry" War whispered Fury just went up to him and hugged him. You know sometimes people forget because War is the Biggest and deadliest Horsemen but he still is the Youngest Horsemen and Brother. "It's ok War but promise me that tomorrow we will talk about this alright" Fury said braking the hug War only nodded walking off for some well deserved rest.

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