Chapter 10 - All Out War!!

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Samael was flying high above The Horsemen, Uriel and Melissa looking down at them with spiteful eyes "Samael" War said darkly with hate pulling out Chaoseater and slamming it down into the ground. "Hello War" Samael said with a smile but you could see the fire in his eyes than out of know where the zombies started to come out of the ground. The Horsemen, Uriel and Melissa couldn't see anything around them except for zombies "KILL THEM ALL!!!" They all heard Samael scream so loud that it shook the ground then the battle began. Samael swooped down and grabbed War where he was standing punching him very hard in the face over and over "War!!" War heard Fury and Death scream in unison. War spit out blood at Samael's face causing him to sway back and forth than War jumped up and slammed his first into Samael's head. The rest of The Horsemen with Uriel and Melissa where all on the ground fighting there hearts out. Strife was jumping around like Mario shooting every zombie he jumped on in the head hopping from one zombie to another. Death was flipping around like an acrobat slicing limbs off of a bunch of zombies. fury whipped one around the neck then dropkicked it across the field. Melissa had her sword out and was fighting of a few of the zombies. Uriel flew up to where Samael and War where struggling with each other giving each other blows after blows to one anothers face blood and scars where all over them by the time Uriel got there to help War. Uriel grabbed Samael's arm that he was going to use to hit War giving War enough time to send a striking critical blow right to Samael's head causing them to crash to the ground. Samael was the first to recover after the fall but he had blood all over his face and a big gash on his head from where War punched him "You Bitch!!!" He screamed at Uriel ready to charge at her but before he reached her War jumped and tackled him to the ground. Death backfliped off of a zombies back and sliced it's head off but saw War struggling with Samael and saw that he was in pain so Death threw one of his Scythes and it impaled Samael right in the chest "AHHHHH!!" Samael screamed as the Scythe impaled his chest. War than grabbed Chaoseater and chopped Samael's arm right off than dropkicked him to the ground. Samael tried to get up but saw that his army of zombies have all been slain and that he was bleeding out from the Scythe that's still in his chest and from his arm being chopped off but he still tried to get up until he heard the sound of a gun cocking and looked up to see Strife pointing his pistols at his head. "Don't even think about getting up or so help me I will blow your head off!" Strife said looking at the beatin up Samael with hate. But than something happened that surprised all of them Samael began to laugh "You fools! You think killing me will solve anything. This right here was all a setup" Samael said laughing Death looked at him and said "What the hell are you talking about!" But Samael only looked up and snapped his fingers causing a purple portal to open up right underneath of The Horsemen "Uhh guys I can't move" Strife said starting to panic a little. But before they could say anything the portal sucked the four of them in. Uriel and Melissa screamed but it was to late they where gone. Uriel stormed up to Samael "Where the hell are they demon?" Uriel demanded with her sword pointed to Samael's neck. "Oh there with my little friend Gonzo but don't worry they won't make it out ALIVE!" Samael said than started to laugh Uriel looked at Melissa and they both had the same worried look on there face. May the gods help them.

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