Chapter 4 - Meeting Melissa The Angel

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Hours after they brought the Angel inside. The Horsemen where sitting around an old beaten up wooden table drinking some tea "So when do you think she will wake up" Strife said Fury just smacked him on the back of the head and said "Patience brother" After that they all went back to a comfortable silence drinking tea and thinking until "Huh Wher-Where am I" Came a young shakey and stuttering female voice. Melissa didn't like to admit it but she was scared. It was dark and her vision was blurry "Don't be afraid we aren't going to hurt you" Came a ruff gravel yet calm and almost sarcastic voice "Who are you!?" Melissa yelled but the figure only chuckled finally coming into the light his siblings not far behind and Melissa's eyes widened "Well is that any way to treat the people who just saved you?" Death said sarcastically looking at her "It-It's you" Melissa stuttered out looking at the tall lengthy figure known as Death. She was sent to Earth to look for The Four Horsemen "I was sent by Uriel to find you guys" Melissa said "Uriel?" War whispered "Please you have to come back to The White City with me..... Please help us" Melissa pleaded "Well first off how about we get a name" Strife asked rudely Fury just elbowed him hard. "My name is Melissa I'm Uriel's right hand after she took Abaddon's role.... After he became evil" Melissa said. "Alright Melissa we will go back to The White City with you but first you should get some rest while we get are gear ready" Death said. War was getting his gear on and Chaoseater (War's Giant Great Sword) sharpened up when his siblings came up behind him "Are you ready to go brother?" Death asked. War turned around to see his siblings all ready with there gear and weapons. Fury with her Whip, Death with his Scythes and Strife with his Two Pistols (or Guns). War just grunted and nodded his head "Alright than let's get Melissa. Horsemen we ride out!" Death announced And off they went to The White City.

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