Chapter 5 - At The Gates Of Heaven

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Melissa woke up to the sound of something running something that sounded like hooves from a horse. She blinked a few times than finally realized that she was riding with one of the riders and was laying against there back. When she looked up she discovered that she was riding with the youngest (but most deadliest) Horsemen known as War she also noticed that all around them where big bright white clouds she smiled because that means that there close to The White City but she is also nervous because of what it looked like when she left. "We should be approaching The White City soon" Melissa heard War say. She didn't know how he knew she was up because she hasn't moved but it is what it is. After about an hour of riding The Four Horsemen and Melissa made it to The White City but what they saw made them all gasp. The White City was in total chaos buildings where on fire and dead Angels where everywhere "Holy Shit" Strife mumbled under his breath. As they where slowly riding through the chaos that once was The Great White City they came across an Angel that looked rather familiar "Uriel!" War screamed as he jumped off his horse to aid her "Wa-War? Thank heavens you came" Said Uriel weakly and barely awak. But after that she finally passed out "Uriel?..... Uriel!" War was shaking her trying to get her to respond and he was starting to get worried "War let me take her brother" Fury said slowly so she can help but War was hesitant "War trust me" Fury tried again this time War just sighed and handed Uriel over to Fury. Death looked at Melissa and asked "Do you have anywhere safe we can go to?" Melissa nodded and said "Follow me" As she led them to somewhere safe. War was walking slowly behind everyone worried for Uriel. He hasn't seen her in years but him and her have a very unique relationship that he would do anything to keep. Uriel is the only other living being besides his siblings that he cares about and he would do anything to save her "Hay big bro you all good" Asked Strife with a worried expression taking War out of his thoughts "Yes Brother I am fine" War lied not wanting to talk. Strife hesitated not really believeing that he was 'Fine' but decided to drop it and say "Alright just know that we are here for you man" Strife patted his shoulder and sped up to catch up with the others leaving War behind with his thoughts once again. 'I hope she is fine' War said in his head before sighing.

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