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At the same day..

Win still waiting for Team on the roof top..

Win : Ugh!!Why is he taking so long??

He looked at his watch and its already 10...

Win : oh shit!! Where are you Team!!??

Win sighed and quickly walked to  downstairs and walked to the restaurant area...Then saw Dean and Pruk talking with a smile...

Win: Dean!!

Dean : Ugh?

Win : have you seen Team??

Dean : No...why? You didn't talked with him yet?

Win : im waiting for him like half an hour but he didn't came there at all...

Pruk : Really?? So where did he gone??

Win : I called him on the phone but he's not picking at all... Guys I'm really scared!!

Dean : Hey!!! Don't be panick..He will be here.. come let's search together!

They started to searching for  him all the place but they couldn't saw him anywhere...Dean walked to the beachside.. suddenly he saw the person they searching  for till now is sitting on the ground with looking at the sea...so sighed with a relieved mind then quickly called win with his phone...

Dean : Win?

Found him Dean?

Dean : Yes win..he is here at the beach side...one second...let me talk to him..stay on the line...

okay !

Dean smiled and quickly walked to Team..

Dean : Team !

Team : Ugh?

Team turned to look at the side then shocked when he saw dean...so he quickly wiped his tears then got up from the ground...

Dean : Hey !! You-- are you crying??

Team immediately shook his head as No at him..

Dean : why are you here alone ?? Win was waiting for you half an hour and you are staying here??

Team : Um..can you do me a favour phi??

Dean : yeah!

Team : Tell him that I'm not love him now...It's all over..Now I have only feeling towards him that Just a friendship...No No No..we never be a friends..we always will be fight...So I'm considering him like a coach or an instructor....

Dean : What Are you--

Team : so tell him that he deserves a better person than me... I'm not good enough for him.. I'm so stupid, childish, not  matured enough yet!

Dean : Team what are you talking about kid??

Team : It's already been 10.39 phi... Shouldn't we go back now??Um.. I'll be at the bus...

Then Team left without any words..Dean stayed still because of the  shock... suddenly he remembered Win was still on the call line... So He shocked even more then looked at phone...

Dean :  Hello Win ?Are  you there??

come here !!

Dean : Win pl---

Before he completes, Win cut the call without saying anything..

Dean : Shit!!!

Dean shocked and immediately called to Pruk's phone...

Dean : Hello Pruk!!

Dean I saw him..He sitting inside the bus Now!!

Dean : Yeah I know ...but you should stay with win okay ?  I will be there..

what's wrong??

Dean : I'll tell you pruk.... Just take care of him Now...

i will!!

Then Dean cut the call then  ran to the restaurent area fastly... Then he saw win sitting at far from the bus and he holding Pruk's hand tightly.. Dean can see pruk consoling him and patting his back..So Dean shocked and ran to them and stood infront of Win..

Dean : Win You Okay??

Win Immediatley looked at him with extreme teary eyes....

Dean : Oh my !! Win stay with us please... Don't think about anything Now..Just  calm down..okay ? We needs you.. Everyone needs you.. Just relax!

Pruk : Yes Win... Just be cool okay..try to breath in and out....

Win : I think im not deserve to live again on this World right??

Dean; what are you talking about you Idiot!!?i told you its not your fault..he must have his own reasons.... Um.. can I talk with him??

Win : No need Dean..he said his part!! He considering me as a  coach...amd That's his final decisions..so let it be..

Pruk :  Win Whatever it is, Just  don't do anything stupid Okay?

Win  : No Guys...im okay...i won't do like that again... I mean, im not okay..its hurt like a dagger into my hearts...but I won't do anything stupid....I have many people who loves me..so I shouldn't even think about that..But you know,  now i Understood the feeling of a rejection from the person we love...Ugh it is painful.. Very painful !

Dean : Promise me you won't do anything stupid!

Win : You don't believe me?? how can do that Dean??  I have my sweetheart..how can she live without me?? I won't do anything.. I lived for her and I'm still living for her now... and will be for her too... Only!

Deam : Okay okay...Just wash your face then  come...Everybody is  waiting for us.... so lets go!!

Win : okay..

They quickly walked to the bus then saw every students gathering around the bus with their luggages....

Dean : LETS GO!!

Everyone slowly got inside and seated on their seats..  Dean sat with Team and looked at his face who looking at outside....

Dean: Team !

Team : mm??

Dean : can i ask you something??

Team : i know what you are gonna asking to me.. I dont love him now phi... So  no need to talk further... This relationship never won't work.... So leave it!

Dean : (( Sighs)) Okay!

Dean looked at pruk who desperately looking at him like " Is there any chance"..Dean quickly shook his head as No at him with a sad face..so pruk  looked at win who sitting with closed eyes and felt Pity on him....He saw that a tear coming out from the  corner of his eye but he didn't interrupted him..
because he know that crying is better than suppressing... So he slowly touched on Win's hand and patted there  with his finger as a Console....


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