Chapter 5

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October 28th, 2016
Nova Taylor - first person

I woke up very early to my mom crying. I ran downstairs to make sure everything was okay. What happened next was not what I expected.

"Mom?! Whats going on?" I saw my brother with her. They were both crying.

"Hunny, sit down for this one." She said, sniffling. This couldn't be about my dad, could it?

"You're dad..he.." She paused. She took a deep breath.

"He took his life.." She said crying even more than she was.

"It's a joke, right?" I asked.

"Why would she ever joke about that?" My brother asked me.

"Oh. I don't know what to say. Im going to school." I said and grabbed my bag.

"You're not staying home?" She asked.

"Nope." I responded quickly and walked out the door. I slammed it on my way out. I put my headphones in and started to cry. I had my hood up incase Sam was behind me. I arrived at school.

There was extra time. I saw my friend group in the grass, they called me over but I kept walking. I got to my first class and sat down. I was the only one in the class. I knew I was upset but I needed to put on a fake face.

The bell rang to notify the students to come inside. I saw Serenity walk in so I smiled at her.

"Hey, what was this morning about?" She sat down and asked me.

"Oh, I had to hand in an assignment to one of the teachers quickly." I lied.

"I see. So, you have a dress for the dance yet?" She asked.

"I don't even know if I'm going." I said laughing a bit.

"What? The hottest guy in school asks you and you're just not going to go?" She said.

"I just don't know. There's other opportunity's Renny." 

"What if this is your last?" She asked. She had a point.

"Then it is what it is." I said being honest. She was about to argue when the teacher walked in, saving an argument. Through out class, I wasn't really paying attention. I kept thinking about what happened. 

Serenity kept looking at me. I tried to smile every time but it didn't exactly work out. I knew she could tell I was upset.

I was going to tell her, sometime down the road. The person I really had to tell was Sam. There was no way I could get out of it without telling him.


It was finally lunch. I walked slowly to the cafeteria. I arrived and saw the friend group at the table. I put on another fake smile and walked over to them.

"Hey." I said to everyone, sitting down beside Sam.

"How you doing?" Colby asked me.

"Fine." I lied.

"So, decide on the dance?" Sam asked me. I was silent for a few seconds until I grabbed his arm.

"Come with me for a second." I said. Everyone was confused, including him. I pulled him aside to  a closet so we wouldn't get caught not being in the cafeteria. 

"Why are we here?" He asked. I looked down and back up.

"Im not sure I'm going to be able to make it." I said. He looked disappointed.

"So I asked for nothing, huh?" He said making me feel bad.

"Sam that's not-." He cut me off.

"It took me so much courage and It was all for nothing?" He asked.

"Sam, listen to me! I can't go because." A tear slipped from my eye.

"If you just don't want to go with me, don't cry over it. I get it." He told me, about to walk away from me.

"My dad committed last night." I said, looking down. He stopped walking and turned around to face me with wistful eyes. He paced over to me and hugged me. Another tear rolled down my face.

"Nova, I'm so sorry. Is that what the text was about?" He asked, pulling away.

"I guess. He was telling me that he loves me so much and to remember that. I asked what he meant but I got left on open. That night, I got my phone and blew his up, never replied once. I didn't think it would lead to this." I said, my voice breaking.

"I don't know what to say. I really don't, other than how sorry I am for you love, Its hard. I know." He said, pulling me into another hug, kissing the top of my head. He called me love?

"Love?" I asked teasing him. He pulled away again and a pink blush raised over his face.

"I'm sorry." He replied.

"Don't be." I said kissing his cheek. He blushed even more.

"You missed." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You missed." He said again, smiling. I stared at him still confused, as usual. Thats when he grabbed my waist and pulled me in. He grabbed my face and planted his lips on mine. It lasted for a good 15 seconds. He pulled away and I was frozen. I had butterflies.

"You confused now?" He asked me. I was still in shock considering, this is my first kiss.

"Nope." I said, laughing awkwardly.

"Go to the dance with me. It'll be a night you won't forget." He said, intertwining his fingers in mine.

"Deal." I said. He smiled at me and we walked back to the table. Colby and Serenity were making  the 'what took so long' smirk faces. Am I really in love with this boy?


                               Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. I keep procrastinating! Next chapter is going to be a filler chapter. Basically the instagram posts from that night and a little 'moment' or two at the dance.      

-vryyummy <3        

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