Chapter 22

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January 23rd, 2017
Sam Golbach - first person

Today was finally the day Katrina was coming to Kansas - filming with Colby and I.

I was excited that we'd have another person join us. It was already 2 in the afternoon and she was landing around 4:30.

I brushed my teeth and ran downstairs, grabbing my filming equipment from my editing room.

I put everything in a backpack and shut the door. I grabbed my coat and slipped on my shoes.

I made sure I had my phone, wallet and keys. Perfect. I walked out the door and walked to Colby's.

I was nervous for Kat to come down, we've talked almost everyday, yet I was nervous.

I grabbed out my phone and clicked on the messages icon. I saw that Nova had texted me - 3 days ago. Shit.

I replied back, apologizing, making an excuse. I sighed and put it back in my pocket.

I finally reached Colby's house and walked in. Luckily, it was the weekend, so there was no school.

"Who let you in?" Colby asked me, looking scared but relieved knowing it was just me.

"Myself." I replied, laughing.

"Fuck Sam, I thought I was going to die." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Nah, I won't kill you. Or will I?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Oh?" He asked.

"I'm kidding. Take a joke." I replied back.

"Good, so you got everything?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied, sometimes I hated talking to Colby.

"Are you excited for Katrina to come along?" He asked me, I slightly blushed.

"Yeah, actually." I said with a short smile.

"What did Nova think about that?" He asked. I paused for a minute.

"Oh, I didn't tell her." I said, scratching my arm.

"Sam." He said in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want drama to begin." I said, crossing my arms.

"It's gonna cause more not telling her but alright Sam." He said, turning around, grabbing his things.

Nova Taylor - first person

I woke up in a fantastic mood. I bought a ticket two nights ago back to Kansas. I was going to visit Sam and the friends.

Jack was obviously not tagging along - as there wasn't much for him to do. I looked at my phone and Sam texted back, it's only been a few days.

I sighed but tried to not let the negative get to me. I took a shower and then got out. I brushed my teeth and got into a sweater.

 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐄 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐠 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now