Chapter 7

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November 21st, 2016
Nova Taylor - first person

I woke up to a dark, cold, wintery day. I never liked the winter days here in Kansas. A lot had happened over the past month. Sam and I started dating the first day of November, Serenity and Colby became flirty friends, my mother became depressed since my dad.

The funeral was the hardest thing for us to go too. Even though they divorced, my mom still loved him very much. I still think of him everyday, had a few breakdowns here and there but am slowly getting better.

I did my hygiene things and got dressed. I walked downstairs to hear my mom crying. This has really taken a toll on her. I walked in on her ripping her hair out.

"Mom!" I yelled, not in an angry tone.

"I- I don't know what I did." She said, holding the pieces of her hair in her hands crying. She had tear stains on her face. I never really knew how to help someone with depression. I ran into her arms and tried to calm her down.

"Im so sorry that you and Jack have to see me like this. I hate myself for it! Im not a good mother." She said. I started crying. Just hearing those words broke my heart.

"You are the best mother we ever had, promise. I have to go to school, your friend is coming over to watch you. I love you." I said, kissing her on the cheek goodbye. She hugged me and I left.

I sighed as I walked out the door. I don't want her to hurt herself like that. I walked slowly looking down at the ground. I heard someone scream my name. I looked up to see a car driving right at me.

I screamed and jumped out of the way quickly as I could. The driver drove off the sidewalk and kept driving down the road. My heart was racing, I couldn't quite comprehend what just happened.

"Nova!" Sam yelled, running up to me. I got up and swept my jeans and coat off.

"Fuck! Hi sam." I said and sighed, as my clothes were now wet.

"What happened?" He asked. I explained to him what had happened.

"Here come with me." He took my hand and we sped walked to his house. He knew I didn't wanna go back to my mom's. We walked inside, I greeted his mom and followed him upstairs.

He handed me a hoodie and a pair of his jeans. I somehow fit, it was funny. I looked in the mirror and laughed at how the jeans looked on me.

"Thank you baby." I said, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled and we walked downstairs and out the door.


We arrived at school and went our separate ways. I had no idea where anybody was so I walked to my locker. I was grabbing my books and things I needed for my classes when someone came up to me.

"Nova, right?" This girl asked.

"Yea, who's asking?" I asked.

"I'm Sam's ex girlfriend." She said. I rolled my eyes, don't start drama, I thought.

"Okay?" I shut my locker door and started to walk away.

"You know, he is a senior. He's gonna graduate and move on with his life. He'll forget about you." She said with a smirk. She kinda had a point but I wasn't going to let that get in my way. I turned around and walked slowly towards her.

"That's not for you to be concerned about." I said back to her. I walked away from her, that was strange.


It's been several hours later. Through out the day, people kept starring at me as if I got into some huge scandal. I was really confused but I let it slide. The bell rang notifying class was over. I walked out and to my locker.

There was a crowd surrounding my locker. I walked over when everyone started going quiet and moved out of the way. I walked up to it when I was shocked. The words; 'slut' and 'whore' and 'fake bitch' were all written on it.

My face grew red out of anger. Serenity, Colby and Sam all walked into the crowd and I could hear them gasp.

"Who the fuck did this!?" I screamed and banged my hand off the locker. Everyone started backing up. Sam walked over to me and rubbed his hand on my back.

"Don't touch me. Please." I said. I didn't mean to be rude to Sam. He backed away. I knew exactly who this was, his ex. I heard her laughing. I walked over to her.

"You did this huh?" I asked her.

"Did I?" She asked sarcastically, laughing as it was a joke.

"I'm not mad." I said, fake laughing.

"Your not?" She asked surprised.

"Nope." I said slowly walking away. I turned around and knocked her in the side of the head. I twisted her arm and knocked her on the ground. Everyone was cheering. Sam pulled me off as the teachers were coming down the hallway.

"Ladies! Principal's office! Now!" One of the teachers yelled. I looked at the girl then back at the teacher. I felt a lump growing in my throat, almost on the edge of crying. I walked really fast out of school.

I was basically running by this time. Sam chased after me. He caught up to me and pulled me into his arms. I started crying then I pulled away.

"Nova it'll be okay. She isn't worth it." He said trying to pull me back into a hug.

"Don't Sam." I said, trying not to freak out on him.

"I promise you she isn't-." Sam said, I cut him off.

"When you've been through the shit I have been through, when you start hating yourself everyday and blame yourself for your dads death, let me tell you how to feel." I started to run home.

I immediately regretted saying what I said. I was going to go back, but I couldn't. I got to my house and ran inside. I felt a panic attack coming about. I ran to my bedroom and buried my head in my pillows.

I kept hearing my phone go off a million times. I ignored it and cried some more. I was so stressed and overwhelmed after everything that's happened. I didn't want to be sad anymore. It wasn't like me.


Dinner time rolled around. I was still in my bedroom. My mom was asleep and my brother was in his room. I went downstairs to cook dinner for my brother and I considering she wasn't waking up anytime soon.

I made Mac and Cheese. I got my brother out of his room and he sat down at the island with me.

"Hey, Nova?" He said.

"Yea Jack?" I replied.

"Why is mom so sad and so different?" He asked. It's sad how an 8 year old has to ask that.

"She's sick right now. I know it's scary but she'll get better." I replied, trying to smile. He nodded his head and kept eating. There was a wave of silence until the doorbell went off. I looked at Jack then walked to get the door.

"Hi." Sam said, standing on my doorstep in the freezing snow.

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