Chapter 9

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November 22nd, 2016
(continuing from last chapter)
Nova Taylor - first person

"Nova Taylor?"I looked up quickly to see the Vice Principle.

"Yea?" I replied. All eyes were on me.

"Please come with me to the office, somebody's here for you." He said, with a short smile. I stood up and went with him. It was extremely awkward.

I walked into the office to see an 30 year old, skinny, blonde man. The principle pulled me and the man into his actual office. He told the man and I to take a seat.

"Nova, Im sure you're wondering why you're here." He said, putting his hands together on top of his desk.

"Yea?" I said, more confused than ever.

"He came from California. He's.." The principle ran off his track of words. I was lost.

"I'm you're dad.." The blonde haired man said. My eyes grew wide.

"What? No..My dad took his life.." I replied back.

"Nova, I dated your mother and got her pregnant. 5 months into her pregnancy, I abandoned her. I was young and stupid. I didn't know what I wanted." He said.

"You're kidding?" I asked.

"No. Your mom never told you because she didn't want you to know about me. When I got the call about your mother, I came here for one reason." He said.

"That is?" I asked, still shocked.

"They called me because you aren't 18, meaning you have to live with your other parent." He said.

"Oh. It's not that bad right? Where do you live again?" I asked.

"California." He said, my heart sunk.

"What!" I said.

"I'm sorry. It's not like I can leave my life in California dear."

"But there's a house here? I have a life here! I can't leave my life!" I said nearly in tears.

"I don't have a choice. I'm coming back here in about two weeks for you and Jack."

"Please don't do this to me. Why can't I live with my aunt?" I asked.

"It's not up for debate. See you soon." He said, getting up and leaving. The principle looked at me and left the room to give me a moment alone.

It would be good to move there so when Sam does, I can see him again. It's just the thought of moving now. I'm not even finished my junior year yet.

The bell rang, justifying that it was lunch. I left the office and went to the lunch room. I saw Colby and Serenity and a few others at one table.

Sam then walked into the lunch room. I expected him to go sit with Colby but instead he walked over towards my table. I didn't understand why Serenity was so mad.

"Hey babe." Sam said, kissing my cheek and then sitting down.

"Hey. Can we talk for a second?" I asked. He stopped doing what he was doing and looked up at me nervously.

"Yea? Is everything okay?" He asked.

"I don't know how to say what I need to say." I said.

"Please tell me we're not breaking up."

"No, never. I would never. It's not that or even close to that." I said, grabbing his hand.

"Okay. What's up?" He asked.

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