ciara's pov

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L.A is a lot better than Brooklyn, less robbery,less neighbourhood fighting, more white people, you can say it's a white paradise, one that i hate.

All my life I've believed two thing, white people are liers,decievers,they are what's wrong with the world.
But here i am my second  week here in L.A.

my first day in school, I'm walking down the halls of a white people school.
So many eyes, so many whispering, so many pointing but do i care,NO i dont, my headset is playing loudly in my ears" my head held high giving death glares to anyone who dares to meet eyes with me.

I may be a black girl but I'm not an ordinary one
I reach into my black school bag and bring out my class schedule that has my locker number written on it, i glaced at the piece of number written on the piece of paper and back on the lockers looking for the matching numbers.

Finanly finding it i opened my locker at emptied my bag inside arranging all my books inside including a picture of my favourite music artists ariana grande, what i don't hate all whites besides she's a really good singer, i take off my head set and places it inside my locker
It wasnt long before the school
Bell rang, a white girl next to my locker who happens to be arranging her's,lets out a loud groan, that seems to catch everyone's attention she looks around realising eyes on her
She rolls her eyes and focuses on her business.

I shaked my head and continued aranging my locker not giving a damn about the school bell
Few seconds later im done with arranging i glanced at my scheduled and mathematics is the first i have today, i walked down the empty hall looking above the class doors looking for the one labelled mathematics,three classes from my locker i saw my desired class
I walked inside and like that the whole class becomes quite the teacher stops teaching and all eyes on me, avoiding the heated stares i walk all the way to an empty seat at the back of the class, i placed my bag on the floor and and faces the board and all eyes faced back still staring at me.

"What?" I finally spoke glancing at every single one at that saying every one faces the boards, the white teaches clears his throat and continues teaching, I've always come at with good grades at every subject in Brooklyn schools
So it's not gonna change now
I take a note book and take down the notes the teacher was giving,it wasn't long before a white boy stumbled into the class room, he fell on the floor making every one gasp and then starts laughing
I heard one of the white kid say " he got his ass beaten again" the teacher ran to his aid and tried to help him up
While other students sat on thier seats taking pictures, laughing.

I shaked my head and walked over to the teacher and the unconscious boy, i helped the teacher carry him to the nurse and like that i disappeared back to the class room, boys sitting on the desk throwing papers at each other,opposite sex making out on thier seats, some girls making tiktok video's.
I rolled my eyes and went straight to my seat, brought out a spear book and starts drawing. drawing a figure of a lady I heard a loud thud, looking up i saw two white girls looking down on me, not wanting any trouble I continued drawing, and just like that my book was driven from the table, looked up and the girl was staring at my drawing, she whispers something to her friend and they both laughed, the white girls eyes glanced at me and the back on my paper, she raised the book up and said
"Look new girl's an artist,but a terrible one" and the whole class burst into a loud laughter.

Clearly getting angry, I calmly asked with a smile "can i have my book back" i said with a clench fist.

"No you won't have your book back" the white girl said with a grin on her face "and what are you gonna do mmmm"

"I spoke again but this time not calmly " I said give me my book"

"And i said No, what..are you deaf" she said leaning down on me

"NO...but You are gonna be cripple soon if you dont comply with me" i said through clenched teeth

"I dare bitch" she said with a smirk on her face

That's the limit, she turned on her heels walking away,before  she take two steps, I stood up from my seat and dragged her by her pony tail, i flinged her to the floor she let out a loud scream " you bitch!" she screamed out in pain.

She did it again I leaned down to the floor where she laid, i held her by the back of her neck and drew her face close
So she could digest each and every word "" I picked my book off the floor and my school bag and walked out of the quiet and shocked class.

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