Noah's pov

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We got back to the cafeteria and all eyes to us, we avoided the stares and walked to our table

" Where were you guys?" Kay asked jumping off from her seat " and what happened to you" she gasped finally realising the bandage

" forget all those question...where were you kay" ciara chimed in

" i got a call from a teacher and i went over" she said gazing at I and ciara " Are you Okay?" She said touching the bandage on my head

" You guys wait here I'll go get lunch" she said, she takes a step forward and that's when the bell rings. She groans in annoyance and exited the cafeteria.

"We better get to class" kay said as we exited the cafeteria

"You go, i have to use the restroom" I said to kay

"Okay but don't be late" she said walking into the classroom.

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