Noah's pov

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  I slowly opened my eyes to find a image in front of me
My view slowly go clearer and I jumped up when i realised it was my annoying sister clara

"What are you doing her?" I asked, i was beyond tired

"Well in case you have forgotten today's Tuesday"she said

"So" i asked with a bored look

"So we have to get to school" she said staring at her nail polish

"Just get out...or jump out a window" is said

"Mum!noah's being rude again" she yelled as she walks put the door

"Noah!" My mum yelled from downstairs

"Sorry" i yelled entering the bathroom

Few minutes later i came out got dried and walked over to my closet flipping through it I brought out my signature blue jeans and white top
I wore the following clothes and walked over to the mirror to Make my hair and my whole face presentable

After being done with that i headed downstairs to the kitchen,where I found my lovely mum eating and chatting with my sister
"Goodmorning honey" she said placing a plate of omelettes in front of me

"Mum when's dad coming" I asked eating

"Soon, baby soon" she said with a weak smile on her face

My dad was supposed too he from Britain over with us but got stuck in work, he's a real estate agent that has nothing to do with his family,mum and him got divorced but he sticks around.

"Okay im done" I said taking my plate to the sink

"Well I'm not" my sister says as she continues eating and chatting on her phone

I let out a loud sigh and walked over to her I grabbed her plate and tossed it to the sink "Well you're done now" I said picking up my bag

"Mum!"she yelled

"Noah!" Mum yelled

" Sorry!" I yelled

I walked out the front door and headed to the car I sat down and played candy crush on my phone
Few seconds later My mum and sister enters the car

I and my sister never get along, I mean love her and shit but we never talked without fighting
Few minutes later we got to the school yard

"Clara no fighting today" my mum said

Clara got into a fight with some girl yesterday atleast I'm not the only one

"Okay..but if a bitch tries me...I won't hesitate causing a scene" she said closing the car door and walking into the halls

"Including you noah" she said

I just nodded and headed inside the hall

I walked I to the hall and surprisingly it was empty
I heard clamouring and walked down the hall until i found a crowd of people gathered at a corner
I walked closer and push through the people to find a girl on the floor barely wearing any clothes

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