noah's pov

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My eyes roam her naked view
She hugs herself trying to cover up her bra and panties
When she's mine I'll rip all those off till she has none left
" You guys need to leave" she said motioning to the window we past through

"Hey time for dinner" a voice said entering the room "what the fuck"  no not him again

"john" ciara said

" what's going on here ciara" john said in a fleet of rage

"Just come in" she dragged him in and shuts the door

"Hi" kay and her crazy self said

" Just calm down please" ciara siad trying to calm john

" calm down.. or you're so gonna get in trouble" he said with a smile on his face

"I know...i" she said trying to defend herself

"Look john it not her fault" kay said coming close to both of them

"And who are you to tell me that" John said looking at kay

"Ciara's bestfriend" she answered and ciara's eyes shot to her's. "And if you want to act too smart...the you better come with me" kay dragged him the bed side. I took this closer to ciara

"You should probably cover up" i said looking away

" yeah" she said
I turned to her and she had a robe wrapped arround her

"For the record it her idea for us to come here tonight" I said

"Yeah i figured" she said letting out a chuckle "but how did you guys locate my house" she said grinning at me

"Well we followed you...when you were coming home" i said

"Lemme guess,her idea" she said smiling

"Nope mine"  I said with a goofy smile

"" she said hitting my arm playfully

"I know" i laughed out

"Okay John's taking care of" kay said walking to us along with John

"I'll let this one pass" john said

"thanks bestfriend" ciara said smiling. Thank God thier just best friends

"John I thought I told you to call ciara" we heard a voice say getting close to the room

"Quick hide" ciara whispered to us

I and kay ran arround the room looking for a place to hide "Where?" I asked

"Under the bed" john said in a haste pointing the bed

I and kay slid under the bed, right as the door opened

"John?..what took you so long" I heard a feminine voice ask

"Well ciara kept me here" john said

The woman let out a chuckle " you too are some me for dinner dont waste time okay"  she said then the door slammed close, i slid out followed by kay, ciara grabbed some close and rushed into the bathroom. We stood thier in an awkward silence I cleared my throat feeling slightly uncomfortable

Few minutes later the bathroom door slid open and ciara came out with a crop top and shots my eyes roamed her exposed laps up her eyes Gosh what is she doing to me

"You guys wait here no noise" she said as she opened her door  
" come on john" she stepped out of the room

"Stay quiet" john said as he's eyes Fluttered to kay then me

"I will as long as you aren't here to keep me screaming" kay flirted

What the fuck just happened

"O...kay" John said awkwardly closing the door

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