Noah's pov

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I watched carefully as the black girl dragged the girl some where, i really need to learn thier names I said to myself as i followed them, they made a turn into the cafeteria, i walked in behind them, they are gonna get in trouble for missing class and so was I.
I watched as the both of them
Went to a table and sat down talking about something inaudible, i gather all the courage in the world and walked over to them, i was never one to socialise so why not start now...back in Britain things was quite different...I was more of a ladies man there, but here people couldn't care less about me, my sister made a name for herself here but I kept myself low key.
Finanly reaching where the two girls sat I cleared my throat gaining both thier attention "hello" I said with a calm and kinda shy tone,
"What do you want" the black girl said glaring at me, " I just wanted to apologise for my sister behaviour" I said staring at her.
"So that was your sister" she said narrowing her eyes " yes" i said bowing my head down
I was never proud of my sister
She's a rich shorty girl and cares about no one but herself  she wouldn't even change even if a gun was pointed to her head.
"How do you even sleep at night?" she asked with a surprisingly calm voice I expected her to yell at me and dismiss me, but she's oddly calm
"Trust me you have no idea" I said with a grin on my face.
"I'm sorry kay" I said turning to the girl sitting beside black girl.

"You know my name?" She asked shyly

" actually I heard her..calling you kay a few minutes ago" I said pointing to black girl.

" I'm really sorry" i said with an apologetic Look " it okay" she said giving me a friendly smile.

The bell rang signifying lunch, and just like that students rushed in clamouring.
"Do you wanna say anything else?" the black girl asked
"Yes actually.....what's your name?" i asked staring at her hoping she would answer,
"So that maybe we could be friends" said looking arround hoping not to find any of those guys that beat me up yesterday, "there is no way we can be friend's ever so clear that idea from your head....and please leave before I...." she said slowly raising her voice but then gets cut off
"Ciara...her name's ciara" Kay said mugging ciara.
"Kay!" She screamed " why the fuck did you tell him that" she said as she glanced at me then back at kay
"Because he needed to know" kay Said as she shrugged her shoulders, i slowly slid into the bench opposite her avoiding any trouble.
"Look i mean no harm" I said gaining thier attention
"But i do, and i will harm you if you don't get your butt out of here" she said giving me a death glare.
"Okay" i said standing up,
Ciara,you can't get rid of me that easily,when I want something i get it and right now I want you.


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