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I couldn't help but feel hurt as she said that
She walked away without even looking back,my eyes went down to her ass again
And damn Was my pants getting tighter

I walked behind her as we made our 10 minutes walked to school

Her dad's house was close so it was easier to walk

We both got to school grounds and sighted kay
We walked over to her and answered alot of questions "where have you guys been" kay asked and I gave her a I'll tell you later look, she just nodded
And we made our way into the halls
And suddenly all eyes in us

Oh wait

All eyes on ciara

Girls looked at her with envy

Boys looked at her with lust

And i wanted to punch thier faces off

"The fuck you looking at" she said giving a killer glare to all of the staring eyes

The girls averted thier eyes

But the boys locked thier lips clearly turned on

I wouldn't blame them her fiestiness draws attention

But that fiestiness was for me and me only

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