Noah's pov

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I got out of my mum's car and walked over to the hall way front door, then I bumped into kay " hey" she greeted

"Hey...have you seen ciara" I asked

" I just got here stupid" she said mugging me

" You know there really isn't any difference between you and ciara" I said with a smile on my face looking arround for her

" whatever" I smilled glanced at her then back at the school area looking for her and then i spotted

"There she is" I exclaimed pointing to her

"And there he is" she said pointing to some dude...who had his hands arround her shoulders as they both walked towards the school.

" who the fuck is he?" I said as I turned to kay she shrugged her shoulders and walked over to ciara I followed suit and walked over to her. She said some thing to the guy besides her and turned to kay " hey" she greeted with a bug smile. Her eyes landed on me and that smile died away, i wonder why she hates me

" You again?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes

" is he trouble?" The boy asked as he eyed me

" Yes he is" she answered

"Good" he said as he cracked his hands and takes a step closer to me.

" No no wait" kay said stepping in between us stopping the boy from knocking the lights out of me. ""Calm down dude" She said glaring at him

He looked at ciara for assurance "it's okay" she said staring at me. He turned back to kay and looked at me before his eyes travelled back to ciara
I hate the way he looks at her.

"You should go" she said with her eyes still locked to mine

"I'll see you at home" her said pulling her into a hug

Home?! They live together!

He withdrew from her and left the school area

"So whats with mr hothead?" Kay asked as we walked into the hall way

"I'll tell you if you tell me what's up with him" she said stopping us midway

"Look stop with all this hating ciara" Kay said gazing at her "can't we all be friend's?"

"No"she answered walking away

I let out a loud sigh as i and kay split up to our classes.
I entered into the English class and sat at the back as usual...until the teacher walked in and started teaching I let my mind wonder off to ciara
I'll make her like me no matter what
Lunch got close really fast
I made my way to the cafeteria and picked out a burger and French fries and looked around for a free seat, then I spotted Kay and ciara I walked over to them and greeted "hey" kay said greeting back while ciara avoided my eyes I say down on the bench opposite her and surprising she didn't dismiss me

" I'll go get my lunch" kay said leaving us together oh no

"Why do you hate me" i said staring at her

"Can we not talk" she said glaring at me

"Okay" i said  taking a bite of my burger "but why" i asked again she let out a loud groan

"Please" she said raising her hands up to my face

"If you talk to me I'll keep quite...if got dont I'll keep talking your choice" I said munching  on my fries

She groaned in frustration "fine lets talk"

"Who's that guy from this morning?" I asked

"He's a really good friend of mine" why you ask?

"No He's just a friend"

"Where the hell is kay and her food?" She said looking around trying not to continue the conversation

"Oh no" I said hidding my face

"What?" She asked

"Those boys over there" i said pointing to the bullies that beat the hell out out me on Monday
"They'll kill me if they see me..I gotta go"

"Too late cuz thier already here" she said looking behind me

"Hey look it's  punk" I heard a voice say behind me. I kept my heard down hoping they'll leave, but then one of them held me by my hair and forcefully yanking me up, the whole cafeteria just stared at the assault
The next thing i know I was fliinged to the ground, everything became blurry as my head made impact with the floor

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