ciara's pov

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"Wake up freak show" I heard a voice say and a hard shake to my body

"Let me sleep its Saturday" I said as my eyes flauterd open

" Well're gonna be late" he states

" for what?" I said staring at John

"The park remember" he said

"Oh..and why do you care" I said eyeing him

"Oh so it's wrong to wake you up" he said moving away from my bed

"You like her dont you?" I asked staring at him

"Who?" He asked narrowing his eyebrow

"Kay" I said

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he said

"Of course you do" i said grinning at him

"Just get your ass out of the bed" he said clearly avoiding the conversation

"Fine" I said standing up the my eyes caught the a piece of paper with numbers written on it....should I?nahhh
Or, nahhh, maybe you know what forget about it

"Are you still standing there?" John asked grinning at me

"I'm going what's the rush" I said entering the bathroom with a couple of clothes on my hand

Few minutes later i came out fully dressed "is this okay" I asked looking down at my outfit it's a blue white ripped jeans with a black transparent crop top and black shoes.
Not getting any response I look up to find


An empty room


I walked downstairs and found my lovely mum eating and chatting with my asshole friend  

"Good morning queen" I said to my mum

"Good morning sweetheart" she said she place before me a plate of waffles "breakfast is served

"Mum?" I said

"Yeah" she said

"Can i go to the park?" I asked

"Alone"  she said

"Yeah" i said

"Honey...." she said

"I'll go with know to protect her" john suggested

"No I'll go alone"  I said sternly

"Okay and John goes or no one does" mum said

"Mum..." I whined

"Its final" she said and John let's out a chuckle

"That's it...I'm done" I said taking my empty plate to the sink

"Me too" john  said doing the same

" Okay you guys have fun" mum said

"Whatever" I said working out the door

"Bye" john said waving off to my

"Now why do you really wanna follow me" i asked looking at John as we walked to the park

"To protect you" he said avoiding eyes contact

"Yeah right" I scoffed saying, i knew something was fishy about him waking me up, that early on a Saturday, I'm usually the one waking him up. But when he insisted on following a doubt aroused in my mind, i guess I'll just let it go. We walked in a comfortable silence before finanly reaching the park

"Where are they?" I asked looking around the park in confusion

"Why don't you call them" john said looking around

"I would, except that i don't have thier contacts" I said and immediately he's eyes shot to me

"Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with you" he said shaking he's head

I raised my hands up to give him the punch of he's life but then go stopped

"Before you start fighting we're right there" we heard a voice say we turned around and met eyes with kay and Noah
All my focused suddenly turned to Noah. He was clothed in black ripped jeans and a blue shirt that matched his eyes and exposed his very visible abs

"You look good" he said

"Thanks" I said slightly feeling flushed

"So why am i here" I said and John cleared he's throat, "so why are We here" I said rolling my eyes

"So we can hang out" she said in a duh tone

"But we can always do that in a
Cafe" john said

"Or eatery" I backed john up

"That's what I said" Noah said

"Why do you have to go against me all the time" she whined

"Don't worry, this wont be the last time" I said with a smile on my face

" there's an eatery near by" Noah said

"Who votes eatery" I said raising my hands up and Noah and Jacob did the same

"Looks like we're going to eatery" I said walking towards the direction of the eatery, and kay just stomped her feet on the floor and followed

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