noah's pov

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I watched as both kay and ciara made thier way to school and i behind them chit chatting about something ciara burst into a loud laughter

A small smile appeared on my face
She had the most beautiful laugh ever
My eyes trailed down all the way to her ass
And my eyes decided to stay there

A car horned which gained my attention and also the two girls infront of me

I saw a girl bent down picking some books from the floor in the middle if the road

What is she crazy

I ran quickly as possible to help her and the girls followed

"Hey are you okay" I said picking up her books

"You shouldn't be walking in the road like that" ciara chimed in

"At all" and of course kay chimed in as well

"I'm okay...thank you...all of you" she said standing up finanly revealing her face to us
As our eyes met. She has the same blue eyes as mine

"You should be more careful" I said handing her the books

Kay and ciara did the same

"I'm cassy" she said "I'm you're neighbour" she said looking at me

"Well nice to meet you cassy..erm this is kay my friend" I said pointing to kay
She stretched her hands for a hand shake and cassy did the same "And this is girl.." I turned to ciara and met a death glare

Well why not

"My girlfriend" i said ignoring all the death glares I was getting from ciara

"Well nice to meet you" cassy said

"Nice to meet you too" ciara said

We heard a loud horn
And thats when we realised we were still in the middle of the road which caused a hell of a traffic

"Come one guys lets go well be late for school"  kay said as we walked to the side walk

"Erm i don't go to school here" cassy said

" where you off to.." kay asked

"My mums work place" she said

"And that would be" kay said requiring the name of the coffee place

"Blooming cafe" cassy said

" mum works there too" ciara said and she suddenly froze

               Ciara pov
I bowed my head down as I felt tears creep it's way into my eyes
Everywhere became silent as no one spoke

"Well let's walk you there" kay said clearing the silence and she drags cassy in front of her and places a hand on my shoulder as she walks away

I stood there with Noah beside me

"Hey it's okay" he said hyping my face up with he's hands and I felt a tear drop "please dont do that" he said wiping away the tear
He dragged me close to a tight hug
And i laid my head on he's chest
And for a minute there I snaked my hands arround his torso
And i felt he's body tensed up

Is that a good thing.

And tgen a memory came flashing into my head

She's my girlfriend

Wait a minute

I pulled away from him and folded my arms
"Why did you tell cassy I was you're girlfriend" I said glaring at him

"Oh my gosh when did we break up" he said dramatically

"Asshole..I'm not you're girlfriend" I said

"Yet" he said with a playful grin on he's face

" Yet...never Okay never" I said walking away

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