ciara's pov

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"That's enough!" I yelled running to Noah kneeling beside him helping him up

"No one told me b punk had a girlfriend" he said letting out a sneaker

"Back off" I said stepping close to the boy

"Or what?" He said taking a step closer to me

"You do not wanna know what a black girl can do to your ass" I said giving him a death glare

"Neo lets just leave" one of his friends said to him

"Yeah leave neo" I said looking straight into his eyes

"This isn't over" he said through clenched teeth and then walked away.

I walked back to Noah who's surprisingly still alive "Hey you okay" I said helping him up

"What do you think" he asked groaning in pains

"come on" I took him out of the cafeteria and went towards the nurses offices "hello" I said walking inside

"she's on lunch break" Noah said still groaning

"Okay sit" I said as I walked towards the cabinet

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Well since you guys have a lazy nurse im gonna treat you" i said placing down some bandages, spirit and cotton wool.

"Are you a nurse" he asked

"No, but i did alot of fighting so i learnt to treat myself" I said applying spirit on the cut on this head.

He hissed out in pain and i cringed at his pain...I felt bad hurting it made me want to cry " sorry" i said, he directed he's blue eyes into my brown eyes. I couldn't stop staring into he's even if i wanted go to.

"Does it still hurts?" I asked finanly removing my eyes from his

" yeah, yeah" he said moving his butt to the side

" stop moving so it won't hurt anymore" I cautioned placing the bandage on the wound "what's it with you and those guys?" I asked

"They are bullies, that's what they do" he answered

" and you just let them?" I said

" Well I've never been a fighter so.." he said

"Well why am I not suprise" I said finally finishing the treating "I'm done"

"Can we be friends?" He asked suddenly

" how many times.." I was cut off

" I know you don't want me around you, but for the sake of kay who wants peace between us" he stated

I took the bandages and spirit and walked towards the cabinet to drop them Back, I let out a loud sigh " fine.. but only for kay" I said staring at him

" only for kay" he said smirking "and me" he said gazing at me

" Whatever now let's leave"
I said yanking him from the bed

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