ciara's pov

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I sat down on am empty desk
Eating my salad, the next minute the whole cafeteria gasped, i look up to find the same annoying girl that called me a bitch dumping a drink on an innocent looking white girl, "none of my business" I said to my self, i went back to eating and i heard the girl crying, as the white girl kept on insulting her, i let out a loud sigh and walked over to them "that's enough" I said looking at the white bitch.

"Look this is none of you're business,so I suggest you stay away" she said eyeing me up and down

" too bad...i don't take suggestions back off" I said clenching my fists

"And what if i say no..what? are you gonna throw that little charade you did back in the class room?"

" remember" I said smirking at her by this time the whole cafeteria was quite and staring at us

"Well do that again and you'll have suspension" she said as she crossed her hand on her chest

"Okay" i picked up a glass of water I saw on the poor girls table and dumped it on white bitches body, I smirked as the water rolled from her hair onto her face, i heard a lot of "holy shit" around and this made me smirk in triumph.

"What the fuck!" she yelled throwing her hands in the air

"That's called getting a taste of your own medicine" I said with a smile on my face

"You have no idea who I am" she said taking a step closer to me " I will make your life unbearable in this school I assure you" she turned on her heels and stomped out with her chaperone behind her.

I turned arround facing the wet girl "You should go get dried" i turned around to leave, both then she stopped me

"Thank you" the girl said in her squeaky little voice I nodded and walked to my seat

I was about to continue eating
But got a glimpse of the same white boy I bumped into at the door of the boys bathroom.
He had a blonde hair,blue eyes and pink lips, his features were a little different from others I've seen here, he waved at me but being the girl i was bowed  down and continued eating.

I put on my headset as i made my way home, i walked down the side walk admiring the view of the buildings, dogs being walked by thier owner and kids playing in thier lawns, today was quite an adventure,got insulted,gave a bitch a lesson, saved a girl from a lot of embarrassment, bumped into a boy on my way to the boys bathroom. Gosh I can be stupid at times.
But the rest of the hours at school was quite okay.
Reaching my front door I pushed open my door and stepped into my oddly quite house "mum!" I yelled as i made my way to the living room and to the kitchen I glance at the fridge where i saw a letter hanging on it
I took it and read the letter
    I'll be home a little bit
     Late honey,something
     Came up, sorry.   
                          Love mum
I groaned loudly and made my way up to my room,my mum started working A week ago in a cafe that barely even pays her properly, she
It's just me and my mum that lives in this hell of a house,my father past away when I was ten, i was told he had an accident and couldn't make it, i pushed my bedroom door, i threw my bag across the bed  and turned falling backwards on the bed, i let out a loud sigh and i soaked into my comfortable bed.

I stood up from my bed took off my clothes and made my way to the bathroom. Few minutes later i came out refreshed, not feeling hungry at all I laid on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

"Ciara" I heard a voice call me i opened my eyes slowly to find my mum sitting besides me still dressed in her waitress uniform

"Hey mum" I said with a husky voice yawning

"Sorry I'm late baby" she said with an apologetic Look "My boss kept me working" she said

"It okay" I said smiling at my tired looking mother

"I made dinner for you" she said smiling

"Dinner?" I asked looking outside the window I realised it was already dark, "you should go get some rest mum"

"But I'm not tired" she said yawning

"No you are" I said leaving my bedroom " go get some sleep mama, I'll take care of the house" I said pouring myself a glass of orange juice. I turned back to my mum only to find her sleeping on the couch, "And you said you weren't tired" I said as I went up to her room to get a blankets, i tucked her in and went back to eating my dinner. After eating I washed the dishes and laid beside my mum counting the ceilings, slowly drifting away, i closed my eyes and slept off.

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