ciara's pov

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We got downstairs and found my mum on the dinner table
" You haven't started eating" I ask my mum, approaching the dinner table

" I was waiting for you guys" she said

" and now we are here" john said sitting on the chair

"And now I can eat" mum said eating her mac and cheese

"Hmmm yum" I said eating
I looked up hoping that those two dumbass dont make a noise and then

" what's that sound?" My mum asked standing up from her chair

Spoke too soon

"Probably a rat" i said

"A rat make that much noise" she said

" a big rat..I'll go check" I said standing up from my seat

"And I'll accompany her"  john said standing up too

"Just enjoy your dinner mum we got this" I said walking towards the steps

I walked into my room while john stayed outside in case mum comes " what the hell" I said staring at kay and Noah standing over my broken vase

"It was all kay" Noah said pointing to kay

"" I questioned

" I don't care who did it...just leave" I said shushing them out the window

" ma's coming" john  said entering the room

"Go..go" I said pushing them

"We'll see you the park" kay said

"" I said

"Yes number's on your dresser" kay said putting a leg out the window

"Get out"i whispered

" love you" she said as she disappears from sight
My heart turns to butter as she said that

"Love you too" I said even if she couldn't hear me

"You guys find the rat"i turned arround fining my mum with her hands on her waist

"No" i said nervously

"Mmmmm come down for dinner" she said I let out a sigh of relive and followed her

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