ciara's pov

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I didn't know if I wanted to hug him or push him away
I'm filled with mixed emotions right now as i fell tears form back in my eyes

"Leave"i heard john yell

"Please listen....I can help you" my so called dad said as he steps closer

"John....let's follow him" I said
I stepped closer to him and said
"You have a whole lot of explaining to do"

We walked behind him until we reached a building...he told us to wait outside while he stepped in
"Are you sure about this?" John asked

"Either this or we sleep outside..cuz I don't plan on going back there" i said

Few seconds later he came out and motioned for us to enter
We all stepped inside to meet a surprisely clean apartment

"Take a seat" he said but none of us moved

"Why did you leave?" I asked as my eyes became glossy

"I....I...had to" he stammered

"No you didn't....You left my mum to suffer while you had a glorious life"i said looking arround the apartment

"Do you think my life's great...I left to make money for you're mother we were chased out from our apartment, out to the street....I left to make a better life for all of us" he explained

"You didnt even come back" I said

" I did ...But you're mother didn't want me, i swear i wanted nothing but good for us
For me,you, your mother, brother all of us"

My eyes shot to his at the mention of brother
"You don't know?" i asked

"Know What?" He asked

"My brother...he's dead" i said

"Wha...What?" He asked as tears form in his eyes

He sinks onto his couch as he sobs
And a tear rolls down my eyes....he was never at fault it was all mothers fault...I walked over to him and hugs him to the chair

"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry" he said between he's sobs

He motions for John to join in the hug and he steps to us and hug "im sorry about the punches" john said, dad laughs and motions for the rest
Soon we all in a group hug
We all released,

"I have extra rooms..You guys can stay" dad said

"Erm i have to head home"
Kay said

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