noah's pov

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I held her in my arms as she cried her eyes out
I wish i could take the lian away from her, she's broken and it's gonna take time to recover..few minutes later she became quiet I slowly took her face off my chest and found her sleeping, John and kay had already gone to John's room
She was upset about what happened

I slowly carried ciara up and laid her on the bed I covered her with her blankets and turned turned yo leave but she held my hands unconsciously

All she needs now is a friend and I'm here for her
I laid beside her and cuddled her I played with her hair for a while before I fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked beside me to find her still sleeping  with her arms still wrapped around me, i tried moving out slowly both she held onto me tighter I decided to lie there, i shut my eyes for a bit before hearing a knock on her door
And slowly the door opens revealing her mum
Her mum's face booms in anger as she walks over to me and yanks me off the bed

"Get out!" She yells waking ciara up

"No you get out!" Ciara yells dragging me out of the woman's hold

"What?" Her mother asked slightly feeling hurt

"Oh sorry this is you're house I'll get out" ciara said dragging me toward her room door

She dragged me out of the room to the guest room
She pushed the door open only to find.
kay and John in a deep kiss "you guys coming?" She said  cutting them off

She walks away still holding me.

Am I the only one that saw that

We both stepped down stairs along with kay and John behind us and ciara's mum behind them

"Stop right there ciara" her mum yelled

"Make me" she said a four of us stepped out the house

We walked down the block for a while and no one seemed to be talking any minute

So i decided to break the silence 
"So where are we heading Too asked as all eyes except from ciara

"I don't know...didn't just wanna stay home with her"
She said

"So we're stranded" I said

"You can stay with me" a voice said...we turned around meeting the one person no one wants to see

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