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"Have you seen her?"I asked kay as i exited from the last class of the day.

"No" she said with a worried expression.

"I wonder where she could be" I said as I ran my hand through my hair. I haven't seen her since she left that class room two hours ago, I've search the entire school for her.

"Maybe she went home" she said with a not so sure look on her face

"Are you sure" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders

" Do you know where she lives" I asked hoping for a good answer.

"We just started talking today,No I do not know her house" she said throwing her hands in the air.

"So how..." I was cut off with the sound of the school bell signifying closing.

"Look i wish i could stay a little bit longer, but i have to go...I'm sorry" she said walking towards the exit.

"Hope you're okay ciara" I let out a loud sigh as i exited the school.

              Ciara's pov
"Decaf or black coffee honey?" My mum asked as she walks over to the coffee maker

"Mum I'm 17 I'll have a smoothie" I said as raising my eye brow

"Okay,okay" she said raising her hands up in defence
I left school and decided to come home but stopped mid way realising that I'll be all alone till my mum get off from work, i decided to walk over to where mum works. I got there only to be met with questions about why I'm here and not at school, i also did alot of answering took longer than I expected.

"Muffin or cupcake" she asked gazing at me

"Cupcake"i said looking arround the cafe, it was own by a white lady so it was full with white people, it wasn't easy for mum to get this job they had to consider her because the rightful owner of the her position stepped down at the last minute.

She placed the cupcake in front of me, " now tell me what really happened in school?" She looked at me with a raised brow

I couldn't tell her what actually happened because she would have made me transfer schools she dislikes white people the way i do but her's is way to much

"I...I dont no what your talking about" i stammered

"Of course you do...I don't belive that the school got flooded and they sent all of you home" she said with a plain expression

"Okay i got into a fight ....and I just needed time to calm down"

Lied again gosh

"Honey if you're having trouble fitting in, just say it and we'll return back to Brooklyn , besides john have been asking of you since last week"

John has been my best friend since kindergarten and one of the 28 people that was against us moving to L.A.

"I'm okay mum...I can handle my self.and as for John I'll speak to him when i get a phone"  I said shrugging my shoulders

"About that" my mum said with a sigh

"No mum it's okay...I'm Okay with my music box and headset" I said mugging her

"Maria get back to work" a white lady yelled at mum

"Boss" she said moving her head in the direction of the lady

"I can kick her ass if you want" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Do that and we'll starve"

"So when you quit" I said with a smile on my face

" definitely" she said as she walks to the back of the cafeteria leaving me alone with my thoughts

"Rise and shine sugar plums" I heard a voice wake me from my dream, there's only one person in this world that calls me sugar plums and that's....I slowly opened my eyes, No way ......"john!" I jumped up by bed and pulled my best friend into a big heart felt hug.

"Heyy" he chuckled as he pats my back

withdrew from him with wild eyes "What are you doing here?" I asked with my still shocked expressions

" Well ma called me yesterday I told me about your little no phone situation so i came over" he said standing up and walking to the window " and guess What" he asked

" What? I'll be here for two weeks" he said with a wild smile on his face

"No way" I said with wild eyes

" Yes way" he said looking outside the window " how are you even surviving here?" He asked

"You have no idea...but to be's not all bad" I said as I shrugged my shoulders " I mean i have a friend and she's okay I think"

" get your lazy ass out of that bed" he said yanking me from my bed

"Okay okay" I chuckled as i stood up

"I'll hurry up, you still have school go to the bathroom now" he said as he leaves my room

" same old john"i smiled as i entered my bathroom

After being done with the bathroom i got dressed in a black v neck top and blue jeans
And headed downstairs
" Hey" i said to john who's busy  eating something in the kitchen
"Where's mum?" I asked as i scanned the living room

" she left for work" he said stuffing his face with frosting flakes.

I let out a big sigh a soaked into the couch in the living room.

" dont you have school?" John asked as he sat down close to me

" yeah I do i should probably get going"

" I can walk you there"he said dropping his plate on in the sink

"I'll be very grateful if you do" i said smiling

"Okay lets go"

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