Noah's pov

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Beaten again for the fifth time this month, all because I couldn't finish some dumb boys assignment, i was punched and kicked everywhere even in my nuts
I stumbled through the halls looking for a teacher or student who can help me. not finding any I decided to walk into a class room, i stumbled into the first class room i could find on the first floor of the school and like,everything 
Went dark,
I woke up looking I saw white walls and a woman hovering over me,she flashed a touch on my face, "are you feeling better?" the nurse asked 
I gave her a simple nod and stood up from the bed
"Can i leave now" I asked with my British accent and she nodded.
I left the nurse's office and walked down the hall,
I made my to the bathroom, looked at the mirror and i was covered in stitches, i looked horrible, i felt horrible,my life's horrible.
I ripped the bandages off my face and hissed at the pain, after doing that i felt a lot better, i opened the bathroom do in order to leave, but bumped into a girl, a black girl and the first black girl I've seen in this school. she had brown curly hair that was pretty puffy, brown eyes that got me staring, she was about to enter the boys bathroom, maybe she's new cause everyone know where the ladies room is, "this is the boys bathroom" I said to the girl gazing at me, she just walked away no nod, No thank you, nothing well thats rude.
The bell rang signifying lunch period, I walked over to the cafeteria I picked up a tray, and chose my desired lunch I made my way over to the back of the cafeteria, i sat down on the table and that when she walked in, the black girl from the bath room and just like that,the whole cafeteria was staring at her including me.
She made her way to one of the table and started eating her salad.

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