Noah's pov

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We stepped into the cafe and took a seat in one of the boots
Kay and John sat opposite each other, the same with ciara and me. My eyes were trained on her it's impossible for me to look away.
"You know I'm not happy here" kay said glaring at all of us

"Calm down...It's gonna be fun"
Ciara said mugging her

"Can i take your order" a waitress came over

"Yeah I'll have a cappuccino"i said.

"I'll have same" john said

"And me" kay chimed in, we all turned to ciara for her answer

"I'll have a smoothie" ciara said
She just had to have a diffrent answer

"That's all?" Th waitress asked staring at me

"Yes that all you can leave now" ciara said staring at the waitress
I think she noticed how the waitress looked at me

"Okay" the waitress rolled her eyes and left

"Why smoothie?" Kay asked ciara

"Ciara has always loved smoothie" john chimed in

"Yep, for as long as i can remmember" ciara said with a smile on her face

"Why cappuccino?" Ciara asked 

"It's a white people drink" I said looking outside the window beside us

"It is?!" John yelled, "oh no... I need to change that" he said clearly panicking

"Oh please calm down" kay said rolling her eyes

"I..can't" he said,ciara let out a sniker with a smirk on her face

"Its really good..Just try it" kay said as the waitress droped our order, he takes a sip and a wide smile appears on his face

"It is good!" He exclaimed
And the three of us burst into a loud laughter

"Thanks" I said slightly smiling at the waitress

"No problem anything for you sir" she said that last part flirtatiously, i glanced over to ciara and saw that the smile on her face had died away, so i decided to have a little fun

"Oooh i like it when someone calls me sir" I said clearly flirting with her

"Really, calls I have so many tricks up my sleeve" she said leaning closely
Kay and John just stared at us
While ciara looked outside the window

"Really...Why don't you show me" i said standing up from my seat

"Yes daddy"she said

" You better get your ass back in that seat!" She yelled motioning me back to my seat
"And you" she stands up from her seat and glared at the waitress,"if you don't want to see your picture on every news station I suggest you scram...or so help me...I might just get arrested and trust me I'll plead guilty for what I'll do to your ass" she said with wide eyes
And a smirk appeared on my face. The waitress walked away with a terrified look on her face
She seats down a sips her smoothie

"What just happened?" John said

" I've been too quite today but it was time to fuck a bitch up" she said shrugging her shoulders

  Fuck, I'm turned on

"Looks like someone got jealous"kay said in a high pitch voice

"What! No" she said also in a high pitch voice

"Then what was all that?" John said

"She's clearly a slut...I'm just protecting him" she said pointing to me

"What ever you say" i said with a smirk on my face

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