ciara's pov

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I quickly removed my hoodie and wore in on the innocent girl i saved from the cafeteria,
She was shivering and incredibly cold as i drew her close to me, this is the first white girl I've ever care about and while I'm here no one messes with her "who did this to you" i whispered into her ears, she pointed to two girls standing by thier lockers laughing, i angrily stood up and went straight to the girls as i got closer I realised one of them was white bitch, this only got me more upset, once I got to them there laughter slowly died away as their eyes  were now on me"What do you want?" She ask eyeing me, without saying a word I placed my hands on her shoulder and ripped her clothes off she gasped as her eyes got wilder "never do that again" o said through clenched teeth.

"You bitch"she was about to dive on me before a voice from behind me called "Clara!" Oh so that's her name I turned arround to see the boy from the bathroom "that's enough" he said again " but..." she said pointing to me " I said enough unless you want to get grounded im not afraid to tell mum" he scolded her, finanly someone to put her in her place, she gave me a once look over and then stormed off.

I glanced to the white boy and walked to where that innocent girl was sitting, "come on" i said helping the sobbing girl "stand up" i said to the girl "What's your name" i asked, I've been helping someone I know nothing about

"Kay" she said through her sobs

"Such a pretty name" i said smiling at her as she held her head down"
I raised her head up with my index finger.

"I'm ciara..and I'm you're new friend I said giving her a warm smile, "now wipe that tears off your face and come on today were taking a day off from class" skipping one class won't hurt will it.

I held her by her hand as i dragged her to the empty cafeteria "What are we doing here" she asked looking arround " we are gonna hang out here till lunch sit"

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