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(you guys might not like me after this chapter)

THE FIRST TASK had passed and to everyone's surprise, Harry Potter, the youngest champion, had snagged first place

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THE FIRST TASK had passed and to everyone's surprise, Harry Potter, the youngest champion, had snagged first place. Fey was proud of him and cheered very loudly when they announced his victory. She cheered for Cedric as well, obviously, but she felt that Harry really deserved it.

Ron and Harry had made up and were friends again and Ron decided to tell him all about the notes he passes with Fey. Needless to say, Harry was very proud of his best friend, where Hermione rolled her eyes and said something along the lines of, 'all boys care about is girls honestly', to which Ginny Weasley giggled profusely at.

After the Yule Ball was announced, boys were asking girls left and right. Fey even got a couple invitations from boys from Durmstrang, which she declined, still waiting to see if a certain red haired boy would ask her.

Ronald Weasley had received the most ghastly dress robes at breakfast one morning, and his friends had made fun of him. He even caught Fey giggling at his reaction, which caused him to turn a deep crimson color. Ron had no idea who he was going to take to the ball, and he was too afraid to ask Fey, not wanting to ruin their friendship.

Fey made her way to yet again, another charms class. As usual, she was one of the first people there and she sat at her desk, waiting for Ron. She decided she would give him the first note this time, so she started to write it.

A couple minutes later, Ron sat down next to her. She instantly smiled and handed him the note.

i love the dress robes you got, very frilly.

leave me alone, i already got harassed by half of Gryffindor.

so is there a special someone you're going to ask?

i dunno, she'll probably reject me and our friendship will be ruined.

aw lion, i doubt that, any girl would be lucky to get asked by you

thanks badger

so who's the girl?

well she's very cool and funny, she's also gorgeous.

Fey suddenly felt a twinge of jealousy. Who was this girl, and how can she kill her? Ugh what is wrong with her! She's a Hufflepuff for Helgas sake!

That's great! you should definitely ask her

Please don't, please don't.

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now