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"ITS BEEN TWO DAYS, RON," harry said, tugging ron by the leg off his bed. ron, lucas, and all of fey's close friends had gotten excused from classes to process fey being missing, but only ron and lucas haven't been going to their classes.

harry, sick of his moping, was trying to get him up and around. it was a dark wednesday evening and around dinner time. harry understood what ron was going through, but he could never understand how ron was feeling. ron was feeling as though all the light in the world had gone and he was all alone in the darkness. he was feeling as though it was all his fault and he couldn't deal with himself.

ron groaned as harry pulled him off his four-poster bed and slumped to the floor with a thump. "fuck, ow."

"now get dressed- are you even wearing pants?" harry questioned, slightly disgusted.

ron didn't respond, so harry took that as a no. harry went over to the door. "get some clothes on and meet me in the common room. 5 minutes." and with that, he exited the room, closing the door shut.

ron scrambled to his trunk to grab some pants and a sweater. reaching into the trunk, he felt a pile of parchment. curious, he pulled it from the trunk.

he sat down on his bed with the bundle of parchment and turned one over. there, in small and delicate handwriting, was fey's name. he traced his fingers over the loopy letters, wishing she was here, writing him little notes.

"fey.." he whispered. "where are you?"

he stared at the notes, remembering how happy he felt when she slid a note onto his charms textbook.

"my little badger." he sniffled, not even realizing tears had started to roll down his pale cheeks.

"ron!" harry's voice called from downstairs, and ron hastily shoved the notes into his trunk, wiped his eyes, and shoved on his trousers. he pulled his R sweater his mother made for him over his head and made his way to the common room.

"there you are, what took you so long?" harry asked, and ron just shook his head.

"i'm here now," he said. harry nodded and the two left through the portrait hole.

ron and harry went down to the grand hall, as it was around dinner time. this was the first time ron had been to a meal since fey disappeared. when they entered, whispers erupted from the tables. ron lowered his head and slumped down next to hermione and neville.

"hey, ron!" neville said cheerfully, but ron just mumbled a small 'hello' in return. hermione leaned over and whispered in neville's ear about why ron was so depressed, seeing as he had forgotten. neville's eyes widened and he looked sympathetically at ron.

harry sat down across from ron and put some meatloaf on his plate. "eat." he said.

ron just grunted and grabbed his fork. he took small bites, but eventually ate the whole thing.

ron looked over to the hufflepuff table, half expecting to see fey there, laughing with cedric and ernie. but, instead of her song-like laughter, he was met with the eyes of several hufflepuffs looking at him with pitiful stares. when they made eye contact the hufflepuffs all turned their heads away and pretended they weren't looking at him. he frowned deeply and turned back to his friends.

"where is she.." he mumbled, resting his head on the table.

"i dunno, ron. i dunno." said harry.

"how much longer do you reckon we'll be here?" fey asked moody, her head resting against the cold, stone walls.

"i'm not sure, but as soon as we get out we're going to put that psycho right back into azkaban where he belongs." he grumbled. this man was always grumpy, or at least that's what fey thought.

once again, the fake moody lowered some food into their weird prison and they ate it quickly.

fey curled up in one of the corners of the small space and closed her eyes. she missed everyone very badly. especially ron. he was her rock, her strong gryffindor. her lion.

fey slipped into a deep sleep, thinking of him.

'fey!' the distant voice of ron rung through her ears. fey opened her eyes and looked around, and saw that she was under her favorite tree. she glanced to her side and saw her shoulder bag. there was a stack of parchment sticking out. she pulled it out and saw ron's messy scrawl. she smiled, remembering when they first started writing each other notes. she traced her fingers over the familiar words, a sad smile gracing her features. 'i miss you.'

she then closed her eyes and everything drifted away.

ron was walking back to the common room when he passed professor moody's office. he saw his professor leaning over a big trunk. ron went over to get a closer look, but just when he was almost in the room, moody turned and shut the trunk. ron silently cursed himself for forgetting that his magical eye could swivel to the back of his head, meaning he could see behind him.

"what do you want, weasley?" he growled, limping foreword with his fake metal leg clanking and squeaking.

"nothing, sir!" ron squeaked and hurried out the door.

"damnit ron," he whispered to himself when he was walking through the corridor. he was annoyed that he chickened out asking what moody was doing.

he trudged to the gryffindor common room, mumbling to himself about what a coward he was. when he reached the portrait hole he said the password and clambered through the opening.

harry tried to say something while he was passing by but ron just walked straight to his dorm.

he dug the notes out of his trunk and flopped onto his bed. he read through the first one and could practically imagine her sweet voice telling him to concentrate in class.

his eyes started to droop and eventually he fell asleep, reading the notes over and over again.

this one was shitty, sorry.
i've decided that it's almost done, i think i'm gonna write only a couple more chapters and then an epilogue.


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