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"AH, MISS GRIFFIN. Glad to see you've made it."

Fey walks slowly into Moody's office, glancing nervously at the many trinkets lying around.

"Hello professor." She says kindly. She makes her way to where Moody has sat at his desk and takes a seat in a chair in front of it.

Moody takes a swig from his hip flask and grimaces as he swallows. Fey assumes that he isn't drinking anything kid-friendly.

"So. I was thinkin' we dive in headfirst, eh?" Moody says gruffly.

"Oh, alright then." Fey responds, twiddling her thumbs in her lap.

He stands up and gestures for her to follow him to the middle of the office. Fey complies and moves towards him, her wand gripped tightly in her hand.

"So I assume you know what the patronus charm is, correct?" He asks.

Fey shakes her head, embarrassed. "I'm afraid I don't."

Professor Moody shakes his head. "No matter, I'll explain it for ya."

He takes a deep breath, preparing to spew out his knowledge. "The Patronus Charm is the most famous and one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind. It is an immensely complicated and an extremely difficult spell, that evoked a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian. It is the primary protection against Dementors. There are two types of Patronuses. Corporeal, which means a Patronus with a particular shape and form and incorporeal Patronus. Incorporeal Patronuses have no particular shape and do not protect against dementors the way corporeal Patronuses do."

Fey's mind tries to wrap her mind around the information thrown at her, but her processing is cut short by Moody clapping his hands together.

"So, all you have to do is think of a memory that has the strongest emotion. I suggest you pick a happy memory, as picking a sad but strong memory can be quite difficult," Moody explains.

Fey's mind immediately goes to the moment she got her Hogwarts letter. She remembered how happy her and her parents were, and how they got her a beaters bat from diagon alley to practice for Quidditch the following year.

"Now, when you've got your memory, recite, Expecto Patronum. Got it?" He asks, and Fey nods.

She readies her wand and holds her happy memory in the front of her mind.

A tawny owl swoops in through their open window in their London townhouse. The owl screeches and drops a yellowish envelope in Fey's lap. "Mum! Dad!" She yells. Her parents come rushing in, thinking their daughter's been injured. "I've got a letter!" The small girl exclaims. Her parents share a look and sigh in relief. "Well, open it up, darling." He mother says softly. Fey tares open the letter and reads the first line aloud. "We are proud to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She beams and looks to her parents, who are smiling fondly at their only child. "We're so proud of you, honey." Her father says, pulling her into a warm embrace. She hugs back and her mother joins in, smushing Fey in the middle. "I love you guys," Fey says. "We love you too," her mother whispers.

"Expecto patronum!" She exclaims, preforming the correct wand movements.

Unfortunately, nothing happens and she tries again, speaking louder this time.

"Expecto patronum!!" Fey yells. Again, not one wisp of light emerges from her wand. She lowers her head in dispare and waits for Moody to scold her for failing.

Instead, he asks her, "what was your memory?"

Fey looks up, surprised. "When I got my hogwarts letter."

"Ah, well that's not nearly good enough! Try again, this time choose a moment you were overcome with emotion." he explains.

Fey thinks for a moment, racking her brain for the happy memories. Suddenly, a vivid memory comes to mind.

It was right after Ron emerged from the black lake during the second task, and Harry had just flown out of the water and onto the pier. "Thanks for caring about me so much," whispers Ron so only Fey could hear. Fey could tell he wasn't used to people paying attention to him over Harry, and her heart ached when she thought about him feeling worthless. "Anytime, lion." She then leans in and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. He face warms up when she pulls away and she can still feel the warmth of his cheek on her lips. Fey sees Ron's face turn to a crimson shade and smiles nervously at him. He smiles back, making Fey's heart soar.

Fey smiles at the memory, and yells, "Expecto patronum!!"

With a flash of bright blue light, a beautiful dolphin sprouts out of the tip of her wand. It glides through the air, doing flips and figure eights around the room. Fey's smile is wide and Moody is looking at her with, believe it or not, a small look of pride.

The dolphin circles around her, and she can't help but giggle. Sadly, she accidentally trips over her own feet while turning to see the patronus, and loses concentration. The beautiful dolphin fades away and Moody slowly claps.

"Good one, Griffin. That must've been quite the memory, since you managed to produce a corporeal patronus." He says.

Fey nods and smiles to herself. She had actually done it! Fey would never have imagined her patronus to be a dolphin. She was expecting something more rodent-like, but she was very proud of it. When she thought about it, she was quite like a dolphin. Bubbly, affectionate, playful.

"Alright, Missy. I think it'd be best if you head back to your common room now, it's nearly curfew." Moody says, and reaches into his pocket for his flask. He takes a deep swig, and has a hard time getting the mystery liquid down his throat.

Curiosity taking the best of her, she can't help but ask. "Professor, if you don't mind me asking, what's in the flask?"

"Oh this? It's nothing to worry about. Now, off you go, girl." He growls, slightly annoyed.

Fey nods nervously, and leaves his office as quickly as possible.


In her bed, cozied up in her pajamas and covered in her warm blankets, she thinks about her lesson with Moody.

She had used a memory with Ron, and it had actually worked. Fey smiles, and plays the memory in her head once-more.

God. I'm in love with this boy.


me too, fey

ok anyways i want to thank u for reading, and i hope u all have a lovely day

-lucy <3

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