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FEY RUSHED TO THE BATHROOM, her makeup bag in hand

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FEY RUSHED TO THE BATHROOM, her makeup bag in hand. Despite being a fairly nice girl, she didn't have any girl-friends to help her get ready for the ball. She usually only hung out with the boys in her house, Cedric Diggory and Ernie Macmillan. Both of them weren't in her year, but she didn't mind.

She was horrified when Cedric had been chosen to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, but seeing the triumphant look on his face when he beat the dragon made her realize he was strong enough to survive the competition, and possibly even win.

Fey finished her makeup and put on her blue frilly dress. She slid on her black stilettos and looked in her full length mirror.

She looked breathtaking. Fey didn't even recognize herself with all the makeup packed onto her face. After fixing her hair, she was satisfied and made her way out of the dorm.

After leaving the Hufflepuff common room, she found herself in front of a very handsome looking Jacob Simmons.

Jacobs jaw dropped when he saw her and with a grin he whispered in her ear. "You look beautiful tonight."

This action made shivers go down Fey's spine. She blushed profusely and muttered a small thank you. She wasn't used to boys complementing her.

Ron was walking down the steps leading to the grand hall when he spotted Fey. His jaw comically dropped and only realized he was staring when Harry nudged his ribs. When he saw Simmons lean over and whisper in her ear, causing her to blush, Ron scowled. He hated seeing him with her, making her giggle and blush. He wanted to be the reason she laughed. He also wanted to wipe the smug smirk off of Simmons face as he snaked his arm around Fey's waist. Sighing, he and Harry went to greet the Patil twins and take them to the ball.

Fey was having the time of her life. Dancing with Jacob was like a dream and she wanted to stay in it forever. She tried her hardest to ignore the burning stare of Ron Weasley, whose eyes were burning into the back of her head as she slow danced with Jacob. However, she couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling of his stare and sent Jacob off to get her a drink.

Once he left, Fey made her way to Ron's table. "Ron, could you come with me?" She asked.

He slowly nodded and they walked out of the grand hall into the corridor, where snogging couples were too busy with their partners to notice them.

"Why have you been staring at me this whole night?" Fey asked quietly.

"Oh- er- I- I just wanted to make sure Simmons wasn't bothering you." Ron stammered.

Fey's mouth curved into a small smirk. "Aw ickle ronniekins wanted to make sure I was okay." Ron tried to open his mouth, but Fey cut him off. "Thank you though, Ron. It's nice to see you so caring."

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now