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THE YULE BALL was coming up and Fey needed to purchase a dress

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THE YULE BALL was coming up and Fey needed to purchase a dress. So, the next hogsmead trip, she went to Madame Malkin's to buy a dress that would knock Jacob off his feet, maybe she could even make Ronald a bit jealous.

After surveying her options and trying on a few gowns, she decided to go with a princess-like blue gown. It had butterflies on the top which were charmed to flutter. It was a beautiful dress, and she looked stunning in it, or at least Madame Malkin thought so, but maybe she was just saying that to get her to buy the gown. Nevertheless, she purchased the dress and went to Honeydukes to get a bit of fudge.

In charms class a few days later, Fey noticed that Ronald hasn't written her a note and she decides to do it herself.

so, did you ask the special girl to the ball?

i couldn't, she already had a date by the time i was going to ask

ugh that girl is so stupid, what's her name, i wanna beat her up

woah there badger, chill out. you don't know her, and it's not a big deal, honest

it might not be to you, lion, but it is to me. even though we haven't been friends for long, i care about you, weasley

i care about you too

awww little ickle ronnie kins cares about lil old me?

but you literally just said the same thing about me

shhhh i'm a hufflepuff, i'm meant to be caring, gryffindors on the other hand, can be quite rude

hey we're not all like Mcclaggen

i do not like that boy. y'know he asked me out and when i said no he started a rumor that i snogged him in a broom closet?

i remember that. that was pretty douchey of him

yeah no shit, ronald

again with the feisty-ness! honestly woman, what do they feed you?

ahah you're one to talk. you are such a hothead! you get mad about every little thing!

nah i think i'm just hot ;)

ew, ronald weasley that was gross

you love it

maybe i do, maybe i don't, you'll never know

but i wanna knowwww

oh leave it alone ronald


so you excited for the ball? i got my dress a couple of days ago.

not really, i had to ask Padma Patil, the Ravenclaw, I also have to wear those awful robes with the lace and shit

it's a shame you couldn't pluck up the courage to ask 'the girl of your dreams' before the other bloke did.

no need to rub it in

the boy that i wanted to ask me didn't.

i thought you liked Simmons? it wasn't him?

nope. Jacob's nice though, i used to fancy him

used to?

yeah i kinda fancy someone else now

do i know him?

i'd rather not talk about my love life right now, ron

right sorry

so what do you want for christmas?

i didn't know we were exchanging gifts

That was a lie, Ron had already bought Fey a gift last Hogsmead weekend.

i just love giving gifts! you will definitely be receiving one from me

wow that's awfully nice of you, badger. didn't know you had that emotion

shove off <3
i mean i'm in hufflepuff for a reason, right?

i just thought it was because you were daft

wow ronald, always the charmer

thanks, i get it from my brothers

honestly ron! you are so dimwitted

what'd i do?

nothing, never mind.

Fey glanced over to Ron to see him frowning and furrowing his brows in confusing. Fey chuckled at his obliviousness to sarcasm.

Ron, hearing the laugh from the girl who made his heart throb, turned to her and whispered. "What're you laughing at?"

Fey whispered back in between giggles, "you're just so adorable." Fey, realizing what she had just said, slapped a hand over her mouth and the tip of Ron's ears turned pink.

She turned her head to Flitwick in embarrassment and decided to focus on him for the rest of the class.


next chapter is the yule ball wowow
i dunno how i'm gonna fit the notes in it but i'll try

-lucy <3

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