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"YOU'VE GOTTA BE SHITTING ME," Fey groaned, waking up to total darkness. She felt a slight pain in the back of her head, probably from when she was knocked out and fell to the ground.

"Ah, you're awake." A familiar gravelly voice said, making her jump.

"Wha- what the hell did you do?!" She exclaimed, backing as far away from Moody as she could, that being hard considering the small space they were contained to.

"Calm down, I'm not him. That bastard kidnapped me in my own home and brought me to Hogwarts to take my place as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." He said reassuringly, relaxing Fey a bit.

"He also took my damn eye" he grumbled, and Fey let out a small chuckle.

A few minutes passed by and Fey thought Moody had fallen asleep, but then he sighed loudly. "You still have your wand?" He asked.

Fey checked her robe pockets, but felt nothing. She shook her head. "He must've taken it. By the way, who is he?"

"Barty Crouch,"

Fey let out a gasp. "But-"


"Oh. Wait, wasn't he arrested like, a long time ago?" Fey asked. She liked looking into old cases and she remembered this one. When Karkaroff sold out Crouch for helping torture the Longbottoms. Fey had made sure to steer clear of Karkaroff, even though his name was cleared, though it didn't really matter now, did it.

"He somehow escaped. Get comfortable, lassie. We're gonna be here for a while."

Fey groaned and slumped against the small enclosed space. "This is gonna suck."

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER, WEASLEY." Lucas Griffin, Fey's older brother, cornered Ron in the halls.

"Fuck! Jeez, dude calm down." Ron exclaimed, obviously terrified by the 7th year.

"I saw you in the common room with her before I went to my tutoring session. Where the hell is she, everyone says she's missing." He eased off of Ron, and his last sentence came out a bit softer. He loved her sister and checked on her everyday usually during lunch.

"I was just going to look for her, but I can't find her anywhere." Ron sighed, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"She might be with Diggory? They were practically inseparable before you came into the picture," Said Lucas.

"Yeah I guess we could talk to him," Ron shrugged, so the two boys ran over to the Hufflepuff common room and knocked relentlessly on the door.

"How do you get in here again?" Lucas asked, shaking his hand that was sore from banging it against the hard door.

"I'm not sure, I think Fey told me once but I don't remember."

"Wow, what a good friend." Said Lucas sarcastically, and Ron just rolled his eyes and continued knocking.

After a while, their knuckles were red from banging on the door, and just as they were about to give up, the door flew open revealing the annoyed face of Ernie Macmillan.

"What do you two want!" He said, quite clearly aggravated.

"Where's Diggory?" Lucas asked.

"What do you want with him?" Ernie asked, eyeing the two suspiciously.

"My sister, Fey. I don't know where she is and she's always with Cedric so.." Lucas trailed off, losing his tough Gryffindor demeanor.

"Ced's in his dorm, Ill get him for you," Ernie said as he closed the door and climbed up to the boys dorms.

"Ced! Weasley and Griffins wants you." Ernie said, knocking on the door as to not intrude on his privacy.

Cedric emerged after a few long minutes, his lips red and swollen and his hair all messed up.

Ernie's lips curled into a smirk and he peered into the room and sure enough, Cho Chang was sitting on Cedric's bed in a similar state to Cedric. How she got into the dorm, Ernie would never know.

"Hello there, Cho. Having a nice time, I bet?" He teased, making Cho turn red in embarrassment.

"Leave her alone, Erns." Said Cedric. "I'm sorry, who needs me?"

"Ron Weasley and Lucas Griffins." He replied.

"Lucas? Ron? What do they want? I thought Fey was going to find Ron.." Cedric trailed off, thinking of Fey and his conversation a couple hours prior. Fey was going to find Ron, apologize to him for getting mad (or listen to him apologize), and then come back to the common room. She was supposed to come back. Where was she?

Cedric stuck his head back into the dorm and called to Cho. "Hey babe? I'm gonna go see what Weasley needs, just hang tight, okay?"

Cho nodded, still embarrassed that Ernie had interrupted their little meeting. Cedric bounded down the stairs and Ernie followed, and they both stepped out of the common room to talk to the boys.

"So what's up?" Cedric asked as he leaned against the cold stone walls.

"We erm, don't know where Fey is and she's been missing for awhile." Ron said, awkwardly shifting his weight on his feet. He knew Fey had told Cedric all about what happened in the common room and was nervous as to what he might do.

"She said she was gonna find you, you little prick. Where could she be? She's not one for taking walks around the castle," Said Cedric, shooting a small glare over to Ron, to which he cowered slightly to.

Lucas looked confused, his gaze shifting between Cedric and Ron during their little exchange. "I don't know what's going on here, but one of you better explain it to me before we find my sister."

Ron visibly gulped and Cedric's lips turned up slightly in a knowing smirk. Ron was done for.

"I'm not sure where she is, maybe check the halls a bit more thoroughly? The bathrooms? If you don't find her there, maybe ask one of the ghosts to lend a hand." Cedric suggested.

Both Ron and Lucas nodded, and started heading off to search for Fey.

sorry it's taken me so long to update, i've been busy with school work

i can't believe people actually read this and like enjoy it.

just a reminder to vote and comment, i love reading them and being a ghost reader is no fun.

-lucy <3

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