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Your father and I are doing well, considering we had to take a dragon to Romania. Weasley you say? We met a man named Charlie Weasley at the dragon reserve in Romania, he's quite nice. He said that he'd been to Hogwarts for the first task to deliver the dragons. I still don't understand why they didn't send us, but I guess it's because they came from their reserve. I think it'd be okay for you to stay with these Weasleys, as long as you write every week. We would also like to meet Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Your father and I have a surprise, we're coming to watch the last task! I'm so excited to see you, darling. Anyways, sorry for the long letter. See you in a couple months!

Lots of love, Mum

Fey received her mother's reply the morning after she sent the letter about staying with the Weasleys. She was so excited! She got to spend the whole summer with Ron! The thought of being with him every day gave her butterflys, but she tried to ignore them.

Fey skipped down to the grand hall to tell Ron she could come. However, on the way down, she was stopped by the boy she detested, Jacob Simmons. He grabbed her wrist and she tried to twist her arm out of his grasp.

"Where do you think you're going, beautiful," He said in his low velvety voice.

"Let go of me!" She yelled. She called out for help but everyone was already eating breakfast in the grand hall so no one could hear.

"No one can hear you, baby."

"Why are you doing this," she said in a shaky voice.

"You need to repay me for taking you to the ball. I did you a favor. No one would ever ask you," venom dripped from his words as he said you and she flinched. He pinned her against the wall and held her arms to her sides.

"Leave me alone," she whimpered.

"Hmm, I don't think i'll do that," he says in a mocking voice, pretending to consider it.

Fey searched for a way she could get out of his hands, and realized her legs were still free. She brought up her knee and rammed it into his crotch, causing him to yelp and stumble away from her. She pulled out her wand and aimed it at Jacob.

She cast a wordless flipendo, sending him flying down the corridor, into a wall. She didn't even know she could do wordless magic. She didn't realize that Moody had turned the corner as she cast the spell.

She turned her head in alarm as she heard Moody clapping his hands together slowly. "That was impressive," he growled. "Who are you, girl?"

"F-fey Griffin." She mumbled. She looked over to where Jacob lay, unconscious. She let out a sharp gasp and covered her mouth with her hand in shock. "Oh no oh no oh no..."

"Don't worry about it missy, I'll obliviate him and he'll never know what happened. I promise to not tell anyone," he starts. "On one condition though."

Fey nodded as to let him continue.

"You will meet with me every Friday afternoon to learn how to control your magic. Properly trained, you could be one of the most powerful witches of your age."

Fey smiled weakly, "thank you professor."

Moody just nodded curtly and shooed her away as he made his way to where Jacob lie.

Fey quickly sped to the grand hall, hoping she didn't miss too much of breakfast.

She entered the hall, not attracting any attention. She sighed in relief and walked to the Gryffindor table. She slid into the open spot on the bench in between Ron and Ginny.

"Hey, badger," Ron says, not looking at her. However, Fey doesn't respond and Ron turns to her, confused. "what's wrong Fey?"

Ginny, sensing something was wrong with Fey, wanted to hug her, but decided that Ron would be better for the job. She silently gestured for the rest of the Gryffindors around Fey to follow her as she left the great hall. They stood up and followed her to leave, all giving Fey a worried glance.

After the others had left and it was just Ron and Fey, she spoke up. "jacobdidsomething," she says quickly and quietly.

"Fey. Speak up, what happened, love?" Ron said softly.

Fey's heart almost stopped when the last word left Ron's chapped lips. She blinked rapidly, trying to process what he had said.

Ron, realizing what he said, felt his face, neck and ears burn up. "Uh- I-"

"Hey, it's okay. I quite like the nickname," Fey said with a small smile on her face. She let out a heavy sigh. "Jacob, he- he tried something again."

Ron looked as though he was about to explode, his hands shaking with anger. "Where the hell is he." He said in a dangerously low tone.

"Hey Ron," she said softly, placing a small hand on his broad shoulder. "it's okay, Moody and I took care of it, lion."

Ron relaxed at her touch and smiled a bit in relief, still visibly worried about Fey. "What happened?" He asked carefully.

Tears welled in Fey's eyes. "He cornered me and- he said i owed him a favor for him taking me to the ball. He- he told me that no one would ever ask me." a single tear fell from her glistening soft brown eyes.

Ron's face softened and he embraced Fey in a warm hug. Fey hugged back and decided that Ron was the best at hugs. "You know that's not true." He whispered into her hair. He inhaled and caught a whiff of the pear shampoo Fey uses.

Fey sniffles and pulls away from the hug. "He pinned me against the wall and I had to knee him in his balls to get him off of me."

Ron cracked a smile. "There's the Fey I know and love! Then what?"

"I um- wordlessly cast flipendo, and he flew into a wall. He went so far! I didn't even know I could do wordless magic!"

"Woah, Fey. That's like 6th year stuff. Fred and George can't even do that, and they're bloody brilliant at charms," Ron said, a big grin on his face.

"That's not all! Moody saw me and I was really worried he would tell Professor Sprout, but he just said he'd obliviate Jacob and he asked me to meet with him on Fridays so I could learn to harness my magic more! He said I could be one of the most powerful witches of my age!" She beamed.

Ron pulled her into another hug. "I'm so proud of you, Fey. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help. You know what? I'm going to meet you in front of Hufflepuff common room everyday so I can walk you to breakfast."

Fey chuckled. "You really don't need to do that, but I guess it's okay."

Suddenly, Ron looked around and noticed there were very few students left in the great hall. "Shit," he mumbled, "we have class in a couple minutes."

"Crap, you're right. I have herbology first, you?" Fey asks, picking up her bag and standing up from the bench.

"Transfiguration. See you at charms?"

"Yep. Later, lion."

Ron sends her a wave, "bye badger!"

They both part ways and sprint to their classes.


what's your patronus? mines a stoat

-lucy <3

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