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i was wrong before, they have like 4 months before the next task oops

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i was wrong before, they have like 4 months before the next task oops

After hours of waiting for the champions to return, Cedric appeared with a loud snap in front of the maze. The stands erupted in cheers as Cedric held the cup over his head, a triumphant smile on his face. Fey made her way down the stands to Cedric, accidentally knocking over a few Beauxbatons girls. She apologized quickly and continued her journey to Cedric. When she reached him, she threw her arms around him in a rib-crushing hug. Cedric lifted her up in the air, hugging her equally as hard. When they released each other, Fey was crying tears of happiness and Cedric still had his grin spread across his features. Fey noticed a few scratches on his face and tried to wipe the blood from his face. Cedric grabbed her hand, "don't worry about it Fey. I'm okay now. I did it. For you..."

Fey awoke suddenly, accidentally bumping her head on the pillar of her four poster bed.

"Owch.." she mumbled, rubbing her head.

She swung her legs off the side of her bed and thought about her dream. Cedric had won the Triwizard Cup! Fey knew that he could actually win this thing. It was also a possibility that he could be hurt, or even killed. Thinking about Cedric dying made her feel sick, so she quickly shook off the thought. She got dressed, and since it was Sunday, Fey put on a casual outfit.

She decided that today she was going to take a walk around the lake and maybe do some homework. She threw her hair into a low ponytail, grabbed her shoulder bag that carried all her school work, and skipped down to the great hall.

She strode to the Hufflepuff table and took a croissant. As she was headed out the door, she spotted Ginny and walked over to say hello.

"Why're you up so early?" Fey asked.

"Why're you?" Ginny replied.

Fey let out a chuckle. "Touché. Anyways, I'm off to take a walk around the black lake and get some work done, fancy joining me, Gin?"

"I'm alright, I'm waiting for Harry. We're going practice quidditch a bit," said Ginny.

Fey gives her a knowing smirk. You see, Ginny had been crushing on Harry since her first year and she would always be trying to hang out with him. They're definitely going to be together one day, Fey thought.

Fey waved goodbye and strolled out onto the grounds. There was a light breeze today, and it was making her baby hairs fly into her face. She brushed them away and walked in the direction of a small secluded patch of trees.

Fey discovered this little spot in her second year, and would go there when she needed to de-stress or just get some school work done.

She sat down under a particularly large tree and dug through her bag to pull out her Charms text book. She also grabbed her quill and ink, along with a parchment.

She opened the book and a bunch of small pieces of parchment fluttered out. She smiled and realized they were all the notes Ron had passed her throughout the year. Fey had forgotten that she saved all the little notes, but was happy she did. Seeing his messy scrawl write out her name made her heart melt, especially when he called her her nickname, badger.

After about five minutes of tracing the words he had written, Fey snapped out of her trance and put the notes in her shoulder bag.

She started working on her essay about the aguamenti charm and it took her about an hour to write down the history of the spell and what it did.

She started writing out the proper wand movements for aguamenti when she heard a rustling in the trees. Fey's head snapped up, alarmed. She stood up and pulled out her wand, ready to send a hex.

She edged closer to the sound, and stopped in her tracks when she saw a disheveled Harry Potter emerge from the trees.

"Harry! What're you doing here! I thought you were practicing with Ginny?" She shouted, startling Harry who thought he was alone.

"God, Fey! You almost gave me a heart attack," Harry said, fixing his hair so it wasn't sticking up everywhere. Smoothing out his hair didn't work though, leaving it looking like a birds nest. "Anyways, I'm just trying to get away from Malfoy and his goons. They won't leave me alone. And me and Ginny stopped practicing a couple minutes ago."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think Malfoy's in love with you or something," Fey chuckled. (small nod to drarry for ya)

"Hah, I wouldn't be too surprised. When his house elf met me, he said that he'd heard all about me, and I doubt Mr. Malfoy told his house elves bedtime stories about me." Harry said, brushing leaves off his clothes.

"Anyways, wanna help me with charms? I never pay attention," said Fey, sitting back down in her spot and patting the patch of grass next to her.

Harry sat down a let out a laugh. "Yeah because you and Ron are too busy writing love letters to each other."

A blush spread across Fey's face. "We're not writing love letters. I doubt he thinks about me in that way.." Fey adds with a sad expression.

"Are you kidding?! Ron won't stop talking about his 'beautiful Hufflepuff friend'. He's always gushing about you. 'Oh I wish I could stare into her beautiful eyes forever,' 'The way she writes my name is so cute,' 'She could ride my broomstick'-"

"Okay that's enough," Fey practically yells, her face a violent shade of red.

Harry just laughs and Fey hits his shoulder with her book. Harry falls over dramatically and accidentally knocks her bag over, making everything spill out. Harry notices the many notes and picks one up to get a closer look.

"'Wanna sit together during the task?'" Harry's eyes widen. "These are all the notes he sent you?!"

Fey snatches the note out of his hand and gathers the others together. "Yes," she sheepishly answers.

"Wow, you really must like him," Harry says.

"You could say that." Fey shoves the notes into her bag and turns back to Harry. "If you tell him i'll kill you before the tournament can."

Harry raises his hands in surrender. "I never said I would!"

"Good, now would you like to help me with writing out the proper hand movements for the auguamenti charm?"

"It would be my pleasure, Miss Griffin," Harry says in a mocking posh voice.

Fey giggles and slides the parchment over to Harry.

The two work on their homework and talk about nothing in particular until lunch, where they part ways and go to their respective tables.

Fey has a smile on her face when she goes to bed that night, thinking about her new friend and what he said about how Ron talks about her. He has to be lying, she thinks, he would never feel the way I do. Little does she know, Ron at that exact moment is telling Harry all about how wonderful she is.


fun fact- i was ron for halloween like a million years ago

-lucy <3

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