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"WEASLEY TRIED TO KISS YOU?!" Cedric yelled the next morning at the breakfast table.

"Shut the fuck up!" Fey whisper shouts, while slapping her hand over his mouth.

"Sorry, I just can't believe this! He finally did something!" He says, squealing.

"Ced, chill out. You're fan girling." Ernie says from beside Fey. "But also, this is great!"

Fey laughs, her face a deep red color. "Okay okay, shut up now. It didn't even really happen. We were just sorta leaning in and..." Fey trails off, seeing Ron and Harry walk into the grand hall.

"And??" Cedric questions, leaning his head on his hands.

"And then fucking Snape walked back in." Fey huffs.

"Well, he is cockblocker supreme. He once walked in on me and Cho doin' it in a cupboard." Cedric says.

"Ew! I did not need to know that," Fey complains, and Ernie high-fives Cedric.

"Boys are frickin pigs." She sighs.

Fey turns her head over to Gryffindor table and catches the gaze of Ron, and they keep eye contact. They gaze into each other's eyes, his icy blue stare burning through her warm brown orbs. Their stare lingers for a while longer, and suddenly breaks when Neville accidentally spills his pumpkin juice on Ron. He scowls at him and gives Fey one last glance before turning back to clean up the spilled drink.

Fey let out a sigh and slumped her head on the table. "It's gonna be so awkward now.." she mumbles.

"Oh, cheer up, Fey. I'm sure it'll be fine!" Cedric says cheerfully.

But it wasn't.


During charms class that day, no notes were passed between the two. For Ron, it was because he was afraid of rejection. For Fey, she just didn't want to pressure him into talking about what happened- or almost happened in the storage closet the day before.

Flitwick was going on about some spell, but Fey wasn't listening, doodling in her textbook. She found herself subconsciously writing her name in a loopy way, adding Weasley to the end of it. Fey Weasley. That sounds nice.

Suddenly, she snaps out of her daze and realizes what she was doing. She quickly scribbles out the names and tries to focus her attention on Flitwick.

Growing annoyed, she scrawls out a note for Ron and slides it to his side of the table.

why' are you ignoring me

i'm not ignoring you

you're joking, right?

fey, i don't wanna talk about it now. meet me later?

sure. astronomy tower at 12?



Fey anxiously bounced her leg throughout the rest of the class. Flitwick's words turned to gibberish as her mind zoned out. She was thinking of the moment she and Ron shared. How his beautiful blue eyes gazed into hers. How he leaned in, fluttering his baby blues closed. How his plump pink lips almost made contact with her own, sent shivers down her spine.

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now