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RON AND LUCAS WERE WALKING through the halls, none of them making a sound, when Lucas suddenly interrupted the blissful silence.

"So what'd you do to my sister?" He asked, a little too nonchalant for Ron's liking.

Throat dry, he swallowed hard, preparing for the wrath of Lucas. "So uh, I kinda," his voice lowered to a whisper, "fancy your sister."

"I'm sorry, what?" Lucas asked, brows furrowing.

Ron opened his mouth to reply when peeves came barreling through the halls, throwing dung bombs he had obviously stole from the weasley twins.

"Duck!!" Lucas shouted, pulling Ron to the ground. The two boys sprawled across the hard, cold stone floor as peeves flew above them, cackling madly.

Ron sat up, shaken up a bit, and got to his feet. He helped Lucas up and they both dusted off their robes.

"Erm, thanks," mumbled ron. lucas just smiled. ron was just relived he didn't bring up what he was saying before.

the two walked through the corridors for a little while longer, eventually going out to the courtyard and gardens to look there. but, they still couldn't find her. deciding it was the best thing to do, lucas and ron made their way to dumbledore's office.

"the password is supposed to be a candy, harry told me.." ron grumbled, trying to think of a candy dumbledore likes.

"how about we just shout out random candies?" suggested lucas, and ron went with it.

"chocolate frog!"
"licorice wand!"
"sugar quill?"
"sherbert lemon?"

at the mention of one of the candies, (neither boy could tell which candy was correct) the gargoyle in front of his office started to shift and a staircase was revealed. it slowly extended up into the actual office of albus dumbledore. the two shared a nervous glance and started to climb the stone steps.

they arrived at a landing and with one last reassuring nod, ron knocked softly at the door in front of them. lucas rolled his eyes at ron's shyness and rapped his knuckles at the door much harder than ron had.

with no response, the gryffindors decided to just push it open. to their surprise, dumbledore was sitting at his desk like a king sits on his throne, almost like he was expecting them to come to his door.

they walked in and stood in front of dumbledore's desk, admiring the many knickknacks assorted throughout his desk.

"how may i be of assistance, boys?" the old man asked, his eyes twinkling its usual wise-old-man twinkle.

lucas cleared his throat before speaking. "we- erm, my sister is lost. we have no idea where she is and we've searched everywhere for the past couple hours."

"ah, that's quite the predicament. thank you for bringing this to my attention. how long did you say she's been missing for?" he asked.

"since a little before lunch." ron replied.

"i see," dumbledore said furrowing his brows. "now, it's almost supper time so you boys can take a break from looking and-"

"no!" ron interjected. "i need to find her! it's my fault-"

"nonsense, mr. weasley. it couldn't be your fault. don't worry about it. you too, mr. griffins. now, hop on down to dinner and eat. i hear that treacle tart is being served for dessert." dumbledore offered, a warm and comforting smile on his face.

lucas nodded, deep in thought. ron tried to argue but dumbledore stopped him with a raise of his finger.

the two boys stalked out of the old man's office and walked slowly down the staircase. when they got to the bottom, the gargoyle guarding it shifted to the side, letting them pass. they entered the hall way, it being now crowded with hungry students trying to get their way to the great hall. ron could practically hear one ravenclaw's stomach rumble.

at this exact time, fey's need for food and water was rising. moody told her to stop complaining and that'd she'd get used to it, but fey chose to ignore him.

"when did you say he gives you food and water?" fey asked.

"every morning and every night. quite generous for a kidnapper," moody tried to joke,  but fey was not amused.

fey opened her mouth but was cut off by a screech of metal. the lid of the chest they were in opened and revealed the polyjuiced face of alastor moody, really barty crouch jr. fey scowled as he lowered two small loaves of bread and two goblets of water.

"enjoy," he imposter cackled, and fey returned it with a rude gesture. she angrily grabbed her small loaf of bread and tore off a bit. she popped it in her mouth and chewed quite aggressively. she then downed half of her water. she was starving and very parched. this was unusual for her, seeing as the hufflepuff common room was close to the kitchens so she could sneak in there and get any snacks that she'd like. the house elves loved her and her daily visits.

moody nibbled at his bread while fey slumped to the side of their little prison.

"this fucking sucks." she huffed.

"i know," moody replied. "but trust me, it'll be over soon."

"how do you know that?" asked fey.

"i just do," he said quite simply, frustrating fey.

fey finished her bread and water and got as comfortable as she could on the cold floor. mumbling a goodnight to moody, she drifted into a dreamless sleep, her stomach still half-empty.

"hey, ron." hermione said as she placed herself next to harry, across from ron.

"hey," he responded, his voice quiet.

"how you holding up, mate?" harry inquired.

"not good." was all ron said.

"don't worry, i'm sure she'll turn up soon. she'll be okay." harry tried to comfort him, but to no avail. ron felt as his whole world had went grey. fey, his ray of sunshine he could always count on, was missing. and who knows when she's going to come back, if she does at all.

"eat, ronald. you must be starving." hermione said, piling chicken on his plate.

ron just shook his head. for once in his life, he wasn't hungry.


HOLY SHIT tysm for 8k veiws!! ily all

quick question, after i finish up this book, what would you guys like to see next? maybe some wlw hermione stuff, possibly luna? please feel free to leave suggestions!!

-lucy <3

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