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i wrote part of this in the car with my brother right next to me

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i wrote part of this in the car with my brother right next to me.

(i also have no idea what month it is in the story) nvm it's february. shoot i just realized i missed valentine's day i could've done something for that dang


WITH THE SECOND TASK being done, the champions had a month to prepare for the third and final task. The current standings were Cedric and Harry in joint first place, Krum in second, and Fleur in last. Cedric would read as many charms books he could find cover to cover just so he could 'be prepared to kick the little crumb's ass'. Fey found it very amusing that Cedric was so passionate about winning the tournament for Hogwarts, and she was surprised he was speaking ill about Krum, seeing as he was always nice to everyone.

Fey and Ron's friendship was thriving, and Fey would look forward to Charms and receiving his little notes.

One weekend, Ron decided to properly introduce Fey to his siblings. He brought Fey to the Gryffindor table during dinner and turned to his brothers and sister.

"This is Fey," Ron says. "She's my Hufflepuff friend I was talking about."

Fred and George smirk mischievously. "So this girl is your little girlfriend? She's way too pretty for you, ickle Ronniekins," Fred states.

"She's not my-" Ron began, but was cut off by George.

"I think you did well my dear brother," Says George, throwing his arm around Fey.

Fey rolls her eyes and pushes George's arm off her. "We're not dating, but thank you for the complement."

Ginny Weasley holds her hand out for Fey to shake it. "I'm Ginny, ignore my idiot brothers, they're just jealous they don't have pretty girl-friends."

Fey smiles and shakes Ginnys hand. "I hope we can be friends, Ginny."

Ginny beams and nods enthusiastically.

The Weasleys tuck into their meals and no one seems to mind the Hufflepuff at the Gryffindor so Fey starts to eat her meal. Ron and Fey have pleasant conversation with Hermione, Harry and the rest of the Weasleys, stealing small glances at each other when no ones looking. They thought no one noticed, but the twins caught a glimpse of them smiling warmly at each other and had to stifle their laughter. The Gryffindors love Fey so much they induct Fey into their little family of misfits. Fey's eyes almost filled with happy tears when Ginny called her the big sister she never had.

After dinner, Ron insists on walking Fey back to her dorm.

"So," Ron begins, "what do you think of them?"

"They're amazing, Ron," Fey beams, "I love Ginny and Hermione, Fred and George are some of the funniest people I've ever met, and Harry is literally so sweet."

Ron smiles widely and takes her hand without thinking. Fey's cheeks grow warm at the contact but tries to pretend she didn't realize he took her hand. They both don't notice the pink splashed across their faces.

They continued to walk hand-in-hand to the Hufflepuff common room in a comfortable silence. When they arrived, they quickly disconnected their hands and said their goodbyes.

"G'nite Ron, dinner was really fun," Says Fey. She then gives him a swift peck on the cheek and heads into the common room, leaving Ron to walk back to Gryffindor tower.

Once back in her comfy bed, having showered and changed into her pajamas, she sighs and thinks about how her and Ron had held hands. She groans and lays on her back. "You are so smitten, Fey. Ugh," Fey mutters to herself.

Meanwhile, Ron is laying in his four poster bed recounting the night. He was honestly his happiest when he was around Fey. Not even his family made him feel as safe.

He had always felt like he got overlooked, being the youngest boy. All his siblings were special. Bill was a curse-breaker, Charlie worked in Romania with dragons, Percy worked in the ministry, Fred and George were the ultimate pranksters and everyone loved them, and Ginny was the only girl who was a very skilled witch. That just left Ron, Harry Potter's sidekick. Sometimes he felt that his mother loves Harry more than him. He knew this wasn't true but it didn't make him stop thinking about it.

Fey was one of the only ones to see him how he is. She didn't care that he wasn't the smartest, sportiest, or even handsomest (though he thought he was pretty handsome).

Fey was his friend unconditionally and he was forever grateful for it. She knew he wasn't just another Weasley. She knew he was special. And that made Ron feel like the happiest boy on earth.

Ron, being exhausted from dealing with his siblings all night, fell into a dreamless sleep.


sorry this isn't the longest chapter, i just didn't want to go into the next day because it would've made it extremely long.

tysm for reading!

-lucy <3

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