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"SUPPER TIME!" molly weasley called from many floors below. ron, ginny, and fey were hanging out in fred and george's room, watching the twins fiddle with their inventions. fey found it quite interesting, how they could come up with brilliant ideas for their future joke shop like it was nothing. they really were geniuses.

a few moments later, the five of them had barreled down the stairs, surprisingly not falling on top of each other in the process.

"oh! boys, ginny, don't do that when we have a guest over! go set the table!" molly scolded, glaring at her children. she turned to fey and her eyes softened, smiling sweetly. "of course i don't blame you, sweetie."

fey smiled while the others scoffed in annoyance.

"but she was doing it too!" george whined as he went over to the cupboards to get the plates.

"unfair," fred grumbled, grabbing the silverware.

ron and ginny just went to place the bowls of food on the table, a frown gracing their faces. fey sat herself down in one of the chairs surrounding the old, worn table, folding her hands on her lap.

ron slid into the seat next to hers while the others took their places at the table. he admired her, his eyes tracing her smile as she laughed at something george had said. while he was gazing at her, she turned to look at him, and turned red when she noticed he was staring at her. "what's up, ronnie?" she said, her mouth quirking into a smirk.

his ears turned red as he snapped out of his trance. "n-nothing, badger," he said, trying to pretend he wasn't looking at her.

fey just chuckled as molly placed the food dishes on the table. "dad will be home in a bit, he needed to finish some things up at work." she said as she sat down.

"what's he doing there this late?" ron asked with his mouth full of molly's delicious chicken.

"ron, gross," fey nudged him in the side, and ron nudged her back.

"ronald, no talking with your mouth full, and he's just in a meeting with shacklebolt about something for the order." molly replied, immediately slapping her hand over her mouth. "i wasn't supposed to tell you kids about that.." she mumbled, immediately trying to change the subject. "so, fey darling, how are-"

she was cut off by fred and george. "what order?" they asked simultaneously.

"it's nothing it's just-" molly started, clearly very flustered.

but, just when she was trying to explain it, her husband walked through the kitchen door, hanging up his hat on a hook.

"hello family!" he greeted, giving molly a kiss on the head while heading to his seat. "ah, fey! lovely to see you!" he smiled, making fey instantly return it, beaming brightly.

"hello mr. weasley!" she said kindly.

"oh, call me arthur," he insisted, piling mashed potatoes onto his plate.

fey's heart warmed at that. she was overjoyed that ron's family liked her, as she was a bit worried about that. and to have his parents like her, that was another thing.

"so, arthur dear, what was the meeting with kingsley about?" molly asked.

"oh, right. kids, i have some news." arthur said, his tone a bit more serious than before.

"what is it, dad?" ron asked, leaning foreword on his elbows.

"well, we have to leave the burrow. tomorrow," he replied.

just like that, the whole table started yelling, asking millions of questions.

"what?! why?!"

"are we in danger!?"

|𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮| r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now